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Swryght's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Swryght's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

He already has a job. Also, it would be politically unwise for him to appear as favoring one fast-food chain over another. I think he's too busy to do commercials.

1 point

This guy makes some interesting points. As an aspiring clinical psychologist myself, I can see where he's coming from, and I think it's very amusing, but unfortunately inaccurate.

The crux of his argument seems to be that liberal policies are based on irrational beliefs. This may be true, but it needs showing rather than just telling. Of course Liberal policies are going to look irrational to a conservative, just as the reverse also holds true.

Liberals and Conservatives hold to different worldviews, political philosophies, and moral codes. I think this psychiatrist needs to put some effort into showing why Liberal values are objectively irrational.

2 points

I am morally against murder, yet my tax dollars go into funding several wars. If you don't like what your taxes are being used for, call your senators and congresspeople, vote for representatives who share your views, or suck it up. In a democracy we have to accept when we are in the minority.

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