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Sure, why not? No, that's racist!
Debate Score:18
Total Votes:18
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 Sure, why not? (4)
 No, that's racist! (8)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Should Kentuky Fried Chicken hire Obama as a spoke person for their company?

This really shouldn't be a problem because I don't see a conflict of interest.

Sure, why not?

Side Score: 7

No, that's racist!

Side Score: 11

First of all, this isn't racist because Obama is only half black. So at worst, this debate is only half racist. Also, Obama was born in Hawaii. I mean, it's not like he was born in Kenya or something ;)

Side: Sure, why not?
1 point

I think that would actually hurt KFC's business. Because think about all the customers that don't like Obama. And all the customers that do like Obama are just going to stay.

So unless it brought over enough of the Churches Chicken crowd, it would actually lose customers.

But I don't like KFC all that much anyways. So let's do it! As an experiment.

It would be interesting because of all those liberal vegans who love Obama.

Kind of like how PETA got mad over him killing that fly. Of everything THATS what they complain about. lol

Side: Sure, why not?
1 point

Well, some news source asked for a comment on him killing the fly and they responded "he's not perfect".

They didn't make that big of a deal on it.

Side: Sure, why not?
1 point

it may be racist but its dam funny. you cant deny that aand it is true that black people like fried chicken and he is the most well known black person alive.

Side: Sure, why not?
2 points

Haven't you heard? Corporations are people. KFC should hire KFC as their spokesperson.

The real question should be if the Tea Party intends to overthrow Obama and install Colonel Sanders as dictator? I understand the Colonel has been promoting his "Original Recipe" approach to the Constitution, much like the Patriots who wish to restore the "Original Intent" of our founding document. All I can say is, god forbid that creepy Burger King takes over.

Which leads me to propose a new debate. Which corporate sponsor would be the best President?

Side: Original Recipe Constitutionalism

How dare they hire a half-black person when they could hire a full-black person!


Side: No, that's racist!
2 points

I knew I knew you. You are on FacetiousBook, right?

(The minimum length for an argument is 50 characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible.)

Side: No, that's racist!

What are you talking about? I do not know you, I can assure you of that. I have never been to the United States and I have never met a Buddhist. This is the first website I've ever bothered to contribute to. I have never written to you, nor have I ever heard of you outside of CreateDebate.

Side: No, that's racist!
1 point

Obama has a lot of more dear situations to deal with than promoting KFC. I don't really understand why you have suggested Barak Obama. If it is because of the color of his skin, I can become very 'active' very quickly. But I hope that is not the occasion. So tell me, why was this debate made?

Side: No, that's racist!

This debate was created to make someone become very 'active' very quickly. But if I have to explain that, then some of the fun is lost ;)

Side: Sure, why not?
1 point

He already has a job. Also, it would be politically unwise for him to appear as favoring one fast-food chain over another. I think he's too busy to do commercials.

Side: No, that's racist!