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RSS Hmicciche

Reward Points:660
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

I aim to amuse!..............................................................

2 points

Um, I'd have it done on my heart. Anywhere else would not be helpful I think. I'd also have it done by the best providers I could afford in the most timely manner required for the best care.

In my case, I currently have health insurance. If I did not, I would get charity care via an emergency room and stick the tax-payers with the bill. That's the health care system we have now for the uninsured and one reason health insurance rates are going up and the amount of coverage and quality of care is going down,

If you were a senior and needed open heart surgery and had no other resources, would you turn down the socialized medicine provided via Medicare? Why is it exactly that the Republicans vow to protect our only socialized medical program in the country?

1 point

No but the library called and said your books are overdue. You radical you! You know how to live dangerously!

3 points

Its usually all about the profit, not the prophecy.

So said the guy at 667, next door neighbor of the Beast

1 point

9 of the 12 politically savvy am I, I am.

(There needs to be like a meter that shows when you are at 50 characters.)

1 point

Oh and the Spanish? Google translate. I'm originally from upstate NY.

1 point

The subject covered in the video is a good one for debate. Was that guy being racist?

5 points

Olbermann was excoriating former Republican U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo, who told attendees at a Tea Party convention that President Barack Obama was elected because of "people who could not even spell the word ’vote’ or say it in English.’"






Your link takes us to a page where the blogger comments, "So he automatically assumes that Tancredo is talking about minorities when he said that there needs to be a civics voting test?"

Tancredo, best known for his stance against illegal immigration and frequently criticized for his comments on the topic, could NEVER have been referring to minorities when he said, "or say it in English", right?

Repeat after me:"No voy a votar por esa escoria racista Tancredo"

Tancredo had said in his speech that the president had won his office because “we do not have a civics, literacy test before people can vote in this country.”

Literacy tests?

"Back in the days of the Jim Crow south, literacy tests were used to take away the right to vote from the majority of African Americans. It was a practice successfully employed to deny these rights from the late nineteenth century right on through to the 1960’s when it was mercifully ended by The Voting Rights Act of 1965, and one that continues to be one of the darkest stains on our national history." [1]

That's right. It was the Negro vote that made Obama president. Solution. Take away their votes. Simple!

Tancredo goes on to say that America’s problems are the result of the nation’s “cult of multiculturalism". OY VEY!

I tell you. Olbermann would have been an idiot not to have called Tancredo a racist.


Supporting Evidence: Tancredo reveals tea party racism (
1 point

When I get to Heaven, I intend to scold Jesus about that whole water into wine episode. What was he thinking?

But sure, Mormons, Methodists, Baptists, Buddhists, Sikhs, Seventh Day Adventists, Rastafarians, the Bahai, Hindu, and Jains would be more tolerant of others if they started drinking wine. But what is the point of being tolerant?

Prophet Muhammad: Riyad-us Saliheen Volume 1:632

"You have two qualities which God, the Most Exalted, likes and loves. One is mildness and the other is toleration."

Man, that dude must have been drunk when he said that.

Supporting Evidence: The Riyad-us Saliheen (
2 points

My first (and only) video creation, edited from an appearance by John Cale (of Velvet Underground fame)) on the classic TV show "I've Got a Secret", where he performed "Vexations", a piece by the French avant-garde composer Eric Satie.

The music on the video is my composition, "Variations on Vexations".

As I note in the information for the video on YouTube, "I'm not totally committed to either the music or this video at this point. The music was done quickly and this is my first attempt at making a video. It's deceptively simple looking -- and making something simple is at times terribly complicated. In the future, the music and video may be further developed or all together abandoned."

Other examples of my experimental music:

Variations on Vexations
Hmicciche has not yet created any debates.

About Me

"Composer/Producer. Visit my links to hear my stuff."

Biographical Information
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Democrat
Country: United States
Religion: Buddhist
Education: Masters
Websites: Syntropia

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