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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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 How politically savvy are you (11)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

I got 10 out of 12. Not bad. If you get less than 7 of 12 then you shouldn't vote! ;)

I got 8, but hen again - I am Canadian.

Joe Cavalry, I beg you to never leave.

1 point

9 of the 12 politically savvy am I, I am.

(There needs to be like a meter that shows when you are at 50 characters.)

You correctly answered 11 out of the 12 possible questions, which means you did better on the quiz than 92% of the general public.

Mmm. Yummy. A Jamaican knows more about these things than 92% of Americans. Some of those demographics are actually quite appalling, though.

18-29 year olds got a mean score of ~4. Men 6. Women ~5. 30-50+ ~6.

1 point

Yeah, the idea that only 26% of people knew the amount needed to break a filibuster was sad.

What is even worse is that these statistics are probably lower in reality because the only people who would consider going to Pew to take the poll are the ones who are actually "active" in politics.

1 point

I missed:

5. How many Republican senators voted to pass the health care reform bill in its vote on the Senate floor?


8. During the entire year of 2009, do you happen to know if there were more American military fatalities in:

Sorry? Now I'm going to have one last glass of wine and watch move Sunny reruns...

1 point

"Here's Your Score: You correctly answered 8 out of the 12 possible questions, which means you did better on the quiz than 73% of the general public"

I am really quite suprised .Really.

Not bad for an uneducated aussie recluse.

I got 11/12 correct. I scored above 92% of the public. The only one I got wrong was the military fatalities in Afghan or Iraq.

1. Do you happen to know if the national unemployment rate is currently closer to: Correct

2. Do you happen to know how many women, if any, sit on the U.S. Supreme Court? Correct

3. As far as you know, which foreign country holds the most U.S. government debt? Correct

4. As far as you know, about how much of the oil consumed annually in the U.S. is imported? Correct

5. How many Republican senators voted to pass the health care reform bill in its vote on the Senate floor? Correct

6. In the United States Senate, opponents to legislation can delay a vote by filibustering. Do you know how many senators are needed to break a filibuster and bring a bill to the floor? Correct

7. Thinking about the man who attempted to bomb an airliner on Christmas Day... Where do intelligence officials believe he was trained and given materials for the bomb? Correct

8. During the entire year of 2009, do you happen to know if there were more American military fatalities in: Incorrect

9. Do you happen to know if the Dow Jones Industrial Average is currently closer to: Correct

10. Do you happen to know the name of the current majority leader of the U.S. Senate? Correct

11. Do you happen to know who Stephen Colbert is? Correct

12. Can you name the chairperson of the Republican National Committee? Correct

Side: Very Savvy

I looks to me that prayer did work... at least in this instance ;)

Side: Very Savvy
1 point

Hmm, not as much as I thought. I got 75% right. I missed questions 1,5, 8 and 11. I missed 1 because I've heard reports that it's closer to 20%, so my source is bad. As to number 5, I thought there must have been a few idiot Republicans who voted for it. The last two I just didn't know.

Side: Very Savvy
1 point

"You correctly answered 12 of the 12 possible questions along with approximately 2% of the public. You did better than 98% of the general public."

The one about the total fatalities in war during 2009 was a guess but all the others were either common sense questions or current events.

Side: Very Savvy