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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day


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3 points

That's why I hate those rat bastards. And they think they're so special. . .

I watched about two seconds and knew that it was destined to cause nightmares.

The quasianarchofascist side.

Why? Because that's my side, of course.


Joe and I have earned every last one of our points.

3 points

I think that you wrote:

"I am too sexy for your love"

I have absolutely no idea how I figured that out!

The Bilderberg Group is a league of wealthy families in control of the world.

I know I'll get Hell for this from AndSoccer16 or Aveskde, so I'll say it now: it is only a conspiracy theory. Read about it yourself and you can decide if they truly are who I say they are.

...and then doom the entire planet in the process. Smart idea.

Nukes have been dropped before. Besides, I'm still not convinced that the human race deserves life.

do you understand what mecca is.

Yes, I do.

its is a sacred place built to worship god

Wrong, it is a city which existed before Islam and Mohammed.

how would you feel if someone flew a plane into your church?

I don't go to church.

maybe some of you should stop listening to what cnn

I don't watch CNN.

and the government say about islam

If you bothered to find out who I am rather than judge me, you'd see that I am a conspiratologist and very paranoid. In a nutshell: I do not trust government.

nd actually do some research.

I have.

not only would you find that not one muslim body was found in the reckage of 911 but also that george bush was one of the largest contributers to 911.

You know what, I've never had complete belief in this conspiracy theory. I've argued for it, but I'm still not totally convinced.

there is also proof

Evidence, not proof.

that the bush and bin-laden families have been friends dating back to when bush senior was in office.

Funny, throughout all of my readings, I've never found this one.

and bush jr had lunch with the bin-laden family the day before 911.

No evidence.

did u ever stop and think huh?

Yes, I do think. Obviously far more than do you.

what did both bush junior and senior do while in office.

Acting like idiots?

create wars in some part of the midlle east.


huh wonder why well it could be the fact that the bush family is sitting on one of the biggest oil fortunes in the u.s.

Why not go back to the roots of the "Oil Conspiracy"? We used to use hemp oil, and we were much better off.

Who is "They"?

If you mean the Bilderberg Group, then I must advise you that it shall never happen.

3 points

We should fly a plane into the center of Mecca!

Under regular conditions I'd recommend nuking them, but. . .

2 points

Never mind that our Constitution protects every religion, including Muslims.

Joe did not state that the government ought to destroy the building, but rather private individuals. Obviously they'd be breaking the law, but so did those who destroyed the World Trade Centers.

2 points

I opined that flying a plane into that god-forsaken building would be more. . . poetic.

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