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This personal waterfall shows you all of Uspwns101's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Yes but the stimulus bill worked wonders for the economy.

1 point

I read quite a bit, relative to many of the people that I am associated with, I am not an atheist.

1 point

You know I still think that, I wish Jesus was here in the flesh, and you would be correct, "Magic" was possible at that time.

1 point

Ive always found it entertaining when people use the apocrypha as proof of the Bible's falsehood when the apocrypha is not a part of the bible

1 point

Although that is a legitimate question would it not be better to choose one and hope you are correct? That seems like a better option than none.

2 points

Well actually I would say that intelligence, especially in today's world, ( or percieved intelligence) Tends to push people towards atheism, they believe they are too "Smart" For God.

1 point

I also have a brain, I however am not atheist.

1 point

Thank you someone on the opposing side, supports me. :)

I still don't understand how to get by 50 characters.

1 point

Walk By faith not by sight, the fact that you can even say that people live morally attests to the existence of immorality, erego sin. Furthermore not drinking, smoking, murder etc. Is not the Christian definition of morality, we seek perfection.

P.S. All men are guilty of adultery, as Jesus said " When you look upon a woman with lust you have already committed adultery in your heart."

1 point

God does not "HATE" any people, he hates actions, the sin within people's hearts, there is a huge difference.

2 points

I would say that those without faith are blinded, that is why debates like this get nowhere, nonbelievers refuse to believe and believers refuse to disbelieve.

1 point

We should have just had them live in the USA, basically the same thing, they just remain a part of our country.

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