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Uspwns101's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Uspwns101's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Yes but the stimulus bill worked wonders for the economy.

1 point

I read quite a bit, relative to many of the people that I am associated with, I am not an atheist.

1 point

You know I still think that, I wish Jesus was here in the flesh, and you would be correct, "Magic" was possible at that time.

1 point

Ive always found it entertaining when people use the apocrypha as proof of the Bible's falsehood when the apocrypha is not a part of the bible

1 point

Although that is a legitimate question would it not be better to choose one and hope you are correct? That seems like a better option than none.

2 points

Well actually I would say that intelligence, especially in today's world, ( or percieved intelligence) Tends to push people towards atheism, they believe they are too "Smart" For God.

1 point

I also have a brain, I however am not atheist.

1 point

Thank you someone on the opposing side, supports me. :)

I still don't understand how to get by 50 characters.

1 point

Walk By faith not by sight, the fact that you can even say that people live morally attests to the existence of immorality, erego sin. Furthermore not drinking, smoking, murder etc. Is not the Christian definition of morality, we seek perfection.

P.S. All men are guilty of adultery, as Jesus said " When you look upon a woman with lust you have already committed adultery in your heart."

1 point

God does not "HATE" any people, he hates actions, the sin within people's hearts, there is a huge difference.

2 points

I would say that those without faith are blinded, that is why debates like this get nowhere, nonbelievers refuse to believe and believers refuse to disbelieve.

1 point

We should have just had them live in the USA, basically the same thing, they just remain a part of our country.

1 point

Honestly you're right except for one thing, any degree of intelligence that any person has been given is sufficient to believe in God because otherwise God would be depriving them of something they require to believe.

1 point

Yah no problem feel free to correct me whenever, we all fall short.

1 point

I have used logic many times, it doesn't seem to change how I have read the bible.

1 point

Explain to me something that is ridiculous in the bible. I want to know.

1 point

I refuse to agree with anything you ever say even if you're right.

1 point

That is really not relevant because you have read the bible and are not atheist does not mean that others won't read it and become atheist. And every time you sin you turn away from God it's as simple as that.

1 point

A lot of Jefferson's statements seem to be reflecting on the nature of the political controls that the catholic church instituted along with James Madison, yes they were deists so Christian principles are interwoven into their ideas, sure they appear to vehemently hate the clergy and the institutions that they supported. John Adams also remarks on the creeds oaths etc. These are truly fabricated by the Catholic Church, but that does not mean they are all bad. The majority of these quotes would be correct in the context however if we were to think about Christianity as actually only having a very small following. Those who " Pick up their Cross daily" then this is hardly true. However I do agree that the clergy and the institutions were extremely corrupt but that is not really a reflection on Christianity it is more likely a reflection on human nature.

1 point

I've recently realized that including terms like douchebag probably doesn't help "Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear" Ephesians 4:29. Well not realized rather chose to stop ignoring how bout that.

1 point

In the words of C.S. Lewis " A young Atheist can never be too careful of what he reads." The opposite very well may happen as it has with a number of people in my Church.

1 point

Instead of thinking literally think more in terms of thoughts and behavior. Sure you ought not actually say the lord's name in vain but the real purpose is to teach people to treat God with the awe he is due through their behavior and thoughts towards him. He is not a trivial casual being. I learned that from a guy named Max Lucado who learned it from a Jewish Rabbi. Seems to make sense.

1 point

Precisely the government exists to protect freedom and provide law and order nothing else.

1 point

I say abolish welfare screw that collosal waste of money.

1 point

Using it in modern language? What is that supposed to mean? You are reading far too much into a single word of the entire quote and making assumptions about his original quote, which is pretty clear and straightforward. It doesn't take much to understand what his point truly is, it takes a lot more to disprove his quote by over thinking it.

2 points

So what justifies the professor wasting over 15 minutes of students time that they paid for in order to prove a point and when he was proven wrong he acts insulted? The people who should really be insulted are the people who had to sit in that class and listen to a complete prick rant about how many of them are wrong in their faith? Maybe it proves that atheists like him are truly something that is wrong with the world.

1 point

How does your story even make sense? You can do it too? As in you can babble on for line after line about nothing and claim it is the same thing? Great argument right there

1 point

Which God do you believe in? Because if it is the Christian God or the Muslim Allah then no they cannot go to heaven.

4 points

The real question is where did the apes come from? and before them the bacteria? and before them the proper amino acids and intelligence to combine them to create cells?

1 point

These people murdered three thousand American citizens on 9/11 and you're worried were hurting their feelings oh no.....(Freaking Liberals)

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