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Verukter's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Verukter's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Well I'm not looking for opinions that consist of 3 words. I joined this website after leaving another debate website because I was looking for intelligent conversion. Not just random 3 word answers followed by insults (cunt? seriously? Who the fuck still uses that word?) and why did you even get so angry in the first place? All I did was say you didn't post an argument on a DEBATE website, therefor it should have been deleted (hence the 50 character or more rule). And you got so angry.

I usually debate

Bullshit. What I'm responding to is the longest post in your last 10 most recent post. So fuck you.

1 point

Oh why thats VERY mature.


1 point

What the fuck are you talking about? YOU ARE ON A FUCKING DEBATING WEBSITE. Thats what people COME ON HERE TO DO. If you don't like debating people then you don't belong on this website you. Why don't you go to where you can express your opinion without intelligent conversion.

1 point

I disagree but why do you end every single comment with ";)" ?

1 point

I hope you know that this is considered to be very disrespectful to a Buddhist.

1 point

The 5th Precept I took when becoming Buddhist was:

"I undertake the precept to refrain from intoxicating drugs."

5 points

The level of moronity in your argument is actually impressive.

1 point

Slippery slope fallacy was made up by liberals to discredit conservatives.

Even if that were true, it wouldn't make sense because in NO instance is it EVER logical to say, "A -> B -> C -> ... Z, therefore A should not happen."

It is well known fact that gays become that way due to them being abused as young children.

For this to be true, you are assuming that EVERY homosexual has been abused as a child, without exception. Irrefutably, I can say that this is not true. I have gay siblings, and I know they were never abused.

For future reference, if your going to make that kind of claim you should at least source where you are getting that information. Saying, "It is a well known fact" proves nothing, and delegitimize your argument.

2 points

I wish a moderate would delete your response because it's not even an argument.

2 points

child may face bullying because of this and may be treated differently

Well then why don't you teach your shitty kids not to bully someone for being different?

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