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This personal waterfall shows you all of WhatIsDaAuck's arguments, looking across every debate.
WhatIsDaAuck(274) Clarified
1 point

are you really angelina jolie ?????????????????????????????????????

liberals too believe in rule of law, if the law allows freedom .freedom is the goal, and the law should help us get there .abortion is legal but conservatives do not like that law .

WhatIsDaAuck(274) Clarified
1 point

"When Obama won people just sucked it up for 8 years. People should just do that again ;)"

yeah, but obama was a reasonable president .not a very good one, by either a liberal or conservative standard, but reasonable .and if ted cruz (a reasonable though not good candidate) had won, then yes, liberals should suck it up for 8 years .but trump was an absurd choice for president .i am afraid we will lose all our freedom, safety, and sanity in his 1st term .but i sure hope i am wrong .

WhatIsDaAuck(274) Clarified
1 point

freedom is absolutely a liberal idea .you could say it is what defines liberals !liberals believe in freedom, conservatives believe in stopping freedom !

i disagree with political correctness, safe spaces, and participation trophies, though you could say they too are liberal ideas .

liberal ideas like freedom ?yeah, people need to be protected from freedom .

if by "change" you mean what obama offered, that was not real change .he lied . .obama was pretty much a carbon copy of bush ,with obamacare instead of 9/11 .but people want damn change and they elected hitler instead of stalin to get it !why not vote for the modern day abraham lincoln ?

that is gary johnson, if youd didnt get it ! auck !

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