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YeshuaBought's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of YeshuaBought's arguments, looking across every debate.

Yes it is............................................................................................................................................................................................

You have when you banned me for no justifiable reason.......................................................................................................................

If you think something without brainwaves is a person, YOU are the science denier!

Fuck political correctness. I will not be told what to do.....................................................................................

Here's looking at you, kid!.............................................................................................................

I have the right to threaten anyone who harasses, slanders, and sexually harrasses me. If the abuse doesn't stop, you WILL be sorry. See you in court.

You don'rt have the right to harass me. If you don't stop, you will be sorry.

We need clean energy sources.......................................................................................................................

You hate poor people. .............................................................................................................................

Leave me alone................................................................................................................................................................................

Reported for harassment.................................................................................................................................................

YeshuaBought(2848) Clarified
1 point


I am willing to consider the evidence......................................................................................................................................

Leave me alone. You don't have the right to harass me.............................................................................................

YeshuaBought(2848) Clarified
2 points

It's better to be a never Trumper, than a Trumper humper.............................................................................................

So true........................................................................................................................................................................................

If you keep replying, you will hear about Jesus. It's your choice....................................................................................................

YeshuaBought(2848) Clarified
1 point

You have the right to stop replying.......................................................................................................................

YeshuaBought(2848) Clarified
1 point

You are beloved by Jesus who is God in human flesh. Have you ever done anything wrong.

YeshuaBought(2848) Clarified
1 point

I am very serious. Religion does not save, but Jesus does. What is stopping you from saying yes to Jesus? Don't you know how much He loves you? Jesus paid the highest price for all sinners, like you and I (I believe I'm a sinner too) to repent, and know Him. Jesus was tortured on and before the cross, so you can have a place in Heaven if you repent, and know Him. Why can't you accept that you are precious to God.

YeshuaBought(2848) Clarified
1 point

All Christian means is to know Jesus Christ with Him as your God, Lord, and Savior. In fact, Yeshua or as many like to call Him, Jesus, was and is Hebrew.

YeshuaBought(2848) Clarified
1 point

Yeshua is the Hebrew word for salvation, and the Hebrew Name for Jesus. YeshuaBought mean He bought me with His Holy and precious blood. He loves you.

YeshuaBought(2848) Clarified
1 point

LOL, you are funny. ;) ............................................................................................................

Don't go liberal now! Ha ha, thanks. LOL..............................................................................................................

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