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1 point

I know he has two for sure...but only he knows how many he really has!

1 point

I don't think she is as sick as others make out...but one never knows do they!

addltd(5144) Clarified
1 point

So are you suggesting the site is not valuable? If so, then why do you come? Isn't the site a reflection of the community who make it theirs? i am confused by your statement? As Joe points out, each individual represents themselves (for good or bad). Would you be ashamed if your persona on the site if someone you thought highly of actually knew how you represented yourself here? I think you might not want everyone to know how you act here...which by the way has been a little bit better than your normal behavior with the exception of the profanity.

addltd(5144) Clarified
1 point

The logo was a hodge podge of ideas but no significance specifically. I sent my designer a number of pics of other t-shirts I have and he whipped this baby out. I specifically left off the .com as these days that almost goes without saying. I could have added it but wanted the shirt to be cooler than just another .com t-shirt. I also had stickers made up (see the hi-res image in the lower right hand corner)...and intentionally left the .com off of those as well. Do you think people will not get the connection? I may have made a mistake by doing that. What are your thoughts?

1 point

Dapper! I hope you like the new shirt design and the stickers. Under this Obama administration money has been tight (so has time) so it took me two years to get these done. I am going to start a new Snappys, and wanted to be sure to get shirts out to those who i owe them to from previous awards.

BTW, kudos to the USPS. I mailed these on Saturday afternoon, just before the post office closed for the weekend. That is amazing that your shirt showed up that fast! Cartman got his yesterday as well!

2 points

The real question is what isn't wrong with her?!

2 points

Joe, you have made me believe in many wondrous and crazy things. Clearly a bunny can cast a shadow of a human hand...possibly two if they are in mittens!

2 points

Someone probably has them and rather than spilling them right now they will use them to blackmail the US if Hillary gets into office.

1 point

I use an xbox one

1 point

Joe, I have to dispute the fact you state you have the last word because by virtue of this post, I have the last word.

addltd(5144) Clarified
1 point

I agree with your view and was not using that definition as to what I was supporting. I do agree that indentured servitude with no chance of ever being released from the contract is indeed slavery.

addltd(5144) Clarified
1 point

I do not believe indentured servitude could be considered slavery because indentured servants are not the property of the individual they are indentured to. From "a contract by which a person, as an apprentice, is bound to service" It often is created as a means for the indentured to receive "enrichment" that they themselves cannot afford.

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