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 Stealing 100% of the product of someone's labor is slavery (7)

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jolie(9810) pic

Stealing 100% of the product of someone's labor is slavery


If stealing 100% of the product of someone's labor is slavery,

at what percentage is not slavery?

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1 point

Under certain definitions I suppose it would qualify, but frankly I find those definitions diluted beyond practical use. Slavery is most useful as a term when it signifies a distinct state not just of financial deprivation but of belonging to someone else as their property with the rights which follow from being property rather than a free person (i.e. few to none, really).

1 point

I agree with you because slavery also denotes a time frame (forever). You could steal someone's novel that they spent a year or more writing. that would be theft, not slavery.

Jace(5222) Clarified
1 point

I think that it probably entails an extended period of time rather than a moment or single incident, but given that slaves can be freed or escape to freedom after having been slaves I do not think slavery is necessarily forever.

1 point

How about indentured servants? Could that be considered slavery?

1 point

Joe, this sounds like a tax the rich question. How much is too much. What percentage should the rich pay.

IMO there should be a consumption tax on everything you buy except food, healthcare and education. Everyone pays this tax at the same rate on any purchase. This should replace the income tax.

1 point

How about a flat tax? That would make the calculations easier than they are now and, in effect, it covers consumption before the consumption happens. This would give the government the money upfront, and the seller wouldn't have to be the government's proxy tax collector. It does not remove the burden from the employer though and individuals would still need to capture and report other sources of income.

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

It does not remove the burden from the employer though and individuals would still need to capture and report other sources of income

Yeah But

There is no income tax wit my plan ------- soooooo

I feel like I should just do things for people without taking back because I shouldn't have rights. I don't know if I deserve to have rights. I keep them but I'm thinking about it.

1 point

>states obvious fact

>thinks there is a debate to be had

The percentage at which it is no longer slavery is anything above minimum age for that nation for people of the age of the worker.