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This personal waterfall shows you all of Addltd's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

While I think it is cool, I am not sure it is worth it. Too many other things do if it ties to your tv and projects to an amazon TV so you can shop by voice and sight, now we are talking! Maybe it does that!

1 point

Damn Joe! I almost deleted this because of the title. So much spamming going on that I can almost delete them in my sleep.

Anyway maybe it does work.

1 point

Well, while it is cool there are just too many things that feel incomplete or Nintendo DS'ish. I will be getting the iPhone 6+ but not the watch right away. Any why didn't they add pulse ox to the watch...pulse yes, but no oxygen levels? Hmmm...can we say next watch?

1 point

Yes, with money problems out of the way (BTW the #1 complaint of couples), you can achieve perceived happiness!

1 point

I get so pissed off at all of the Obama lovers! Yes, many of them drive their Prius vehicles not realizing that Obama is killing the inexpensive sources of electricity (coal) and promoting much more expensive alternatives. I just don't get him! If only he would listen to anything the public was saying. he might actually wake up and realize he needs to fix the mess he created!

1 point

So I think there is a catch 2 here. Should American Companies be required to provide birth control or support for abortions? I think if they provide support for one or the other that is fine. If you look at the Hobby Lobby case, if they don't provide for birth control shouldn't they be responsible for support for abortions for those women denied birth control measures?

1 point

The egg you have that fancy and quite effective egg slicer.

I say eat that egg!

1 point

But I don't want one if it is TOO expensive!

1 point

Yes, save one for me please...TOO COOL!

1 point

While I can't quite tell where you are going with any of your posts, let me start with this:

I am Christian

I am Catholic

I do not believe in all of the "rules" Catholicism has put in place

I believe the interpretation of the Bible should not be literal, but rather be based on understanding customs and language usage of the time.

I believe that all of the Catholic Popes are merely elected officials (many behaving no different than our US elected officials)

I believe Pope Francis is merely a "popular" Pope

I believe Pope Francis can make positive change

1 point

Yes, I will look into it!

addltd(5125) Clarified
1 point

So, do you not have an Olympic Girl Friend or Boy Friend?

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