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Beastforever's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Beastforever's arguments, looking across every debate.

Now let's get another thing clear: I most definitely didn't disagree, but you did. ;)

I told ya ;)

Oh look, this isn't an argument! ;)

yup, you never made arguments ;)

Oh no you didn't! ;)

Oh yes I did. ;)..............................................

Now let's get one thing quite clear: I most definitely told you! ;)

Now let's get another thing clear: I most definitely didn't disagree, but you did. ;)

BTW, no it isn't. ;)

Exactly what I said, it isn't. ;)

Ah! Just the five minutes. ;)

So five minutes it is and then you can get back to talking to yourself ;)

Oh I'm sorry, is this a five minute argument, or the full half hour? ;)

Now that you supposedly know you're not talking to yourself, you decide. ;)

Yes, it is ;)

Ofcourse it isn't ;)......................................................

No it isn't ;)

yup it isn't................................................;)

That's just crazy talk ;)

Awww ;)..........................................

Why do you copy everything I type and why so many dots ;)

So that you know you're not currently talking to yourself and many dots cause there's much more to say....;)

Alright!!! ;)

That's more like it....................................................

Who else, if not me ;)

Well, there are many, but right now it's you alright ;)

Of course you do ;)..............................................................

I know, right ;)

You sure seem to know ;)........................................

I challenge the person with the most points on this site to a debate.

Come on fellas, the man wants to talk to himself, let him do it in peace.

beastforever(558) Clarified
1 point

So..., conservatives shut down Ann Coulter ;)

conservatives who think they are liberal..

No, of course not. Denying other people's rights is intolerant. Like when they shut down conservative speakers on college campuses ;)

liberals will let you speak, and continue to let you speak, they will disagree, debate like how we do now. The ones you talk about there are conservatives who think they are liberals, which for obvious reasons, doesn't make them liberals.

people who come under the definition of progressives are progressives, not necessarily the ones who claim to be progressive.

Here's all about Kathy griffin,

and here's about progressives...

Then today's Democratic party needs to quit calling themselves liberals. We just watched the biggest manifestation of bigotry in recent U.S. history from the Democrats. You wear a red hat? We must shut down your speaking events, threaten you, depict you with decapitated heads, attack you, and call you deplorable...

I'm speaking for the liberals here, not for the democratic party, take your whining to someone else.

If you post on that ---》side, then you are a liberal in denial ;)

liberals can deny. They can have their own opinions, and argue for their perspective. that doesn't make them "intolerant".

If liberals aren't tolerant, they wouldn't be "liberals".

That day has the possibility to become destructive for human kind, as no argument and no debate would mean entities not coming to any conclusion.

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