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This personal waterfall shows you all of Cwmdulais's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

trust me, no matter how sound your logic is, on the matter of Muslims, conservatives only see OMG TERRORISTS HELP US AHHH!!!!!

1 point

when the fuck was it a mosque? its a community center with a area for Muslims to pray.

2 points

"Precisely why they were good candidates"

ill refer you to my comment on how palin didn't know that Africa was a continent.

2 points

trust me, people with a lot less of a reasone have won that award. prizes-ever-awarded.html

1 point

ahh...well...there goes my argument...while i try to think of a new argument wacth this video to the end

1 point

that doesn't reduce the fact that its the largest increase since march 2000.

and i would rather have a temporary increase then none at all.

and the economy is definitely recovering. slowly but surely

1 point

they might have done something i liked, but not much, since their against a lot of what i believe in.

and if they were elected, even though it doesn't seem physically possible, America would become definitely become a lot more alienated, every European i have talked despises McCain and palin. and most Europeans think the hard right in America is a joke.

2 points

yes lets let the person who didn't know Africa was a Continent become vice president. /face-palm

there was a lot of infighting between the 2

letting Sarah palin have any amount of real power is incredibly dangerous.

1 point

hell would need to exist, and since there is no factual evidence for a hell, there is no Reasoner to take it into a political equation,

2 points

"Unless you back this up with some sources, I refuse to believe such nonsense."

google search is your friend

"You know why they failed? Because back then, people had larger brains."

nice argument, maybe you can use your own brain next time.

1 point

seeing a gold doesn't have a opposite this whole thing is irrelevant, and compared to Bush and the rest of the bat shit crazy republicans (Beck, Palin, McCain.) hes a good prez

2 points

cough GLEN BECK cough cough

so yeah. i call BS

and i let Lewis Black explain.;=related

1 point

what, this is why we SHOULD have public nudity, cause it gives me chuckles.

3 points

yeah...i slipped, hit my computer on the way down, it wobbled, fell and landed on my nuts, needless to say it won by K.O.

2 points


1 point

if I'm not mistaken you said

"Name for me a few wars begun by Christians"

not by Christianity, and he named the wars made by Christians

3 points

i now swap my last view of "absolutely not" to absolutely with this idea in mind

6 points

there is in fact, very little proof to show Hitler was a atheist, but there was a load of statements to show he was a catholic,

Mao and Stalin are commonly pointed to be atheist, but they simply hated most religion because they saw it as a enemy to their power, so they made themselves a religious cult to be worshiped.

atheism never starts a war, something that can not be said for religion.

1 point


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