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Kjnwkjqn's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Kjnwkjqn's arguments, looking across every debate.
3 points

It's clear on a lot of things many Christians don't take seriously.

Such as?

2 points

There are hundreds of different versions of Christianity. Not all of them agree on this matter.

1. There is only one Christianity

2. The bible is pretty clear on the matter

3 points

Ummmmmm being gay is a sin according to your religion.............................

4 points

The bible condemns it and God's wrath is already being called out on gay people....

It's called AIDS

5 points

How is two consenting adults committing to a lifelong partnership wrong or perverted?

I don't know the bible which you supposedly follow......

1 point

If I told you to, could you become gay? Just stop being straight..? Do you think therapy will make you find the same sex form attractive, and the opposite unattractive, both physically and emotionally..?

If so you're wrong. Very wrong.

Well people choose to be gay

4 points

Homosexuals should be put to death as another user said................

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