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Remesquaddie's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Remesquaddie's arguments, looking across every debate.

It's all about numbers ......Yes we are currently in a position of falling off the edge.

We are so full of ourselves , that our moronic leaders even have the gall to give away monies that we do NOT have to countries who want to kill us. JUst look at what is happening with the oil industry alone. WE have plenty of oil in our country, but the corrupt people in government who are probably on the payroll of the oil suppliers overseas REFUSE to allow drilling . Monies in billions going to muslim countries so they can purchase guns and ammo to kill our soldiers overseas.

2 points

What we aught to do , is hand over California to the Mexicans in exchange for Mexico. Unfortunately after few years of totally corrupt mexicans governing California, their people will again start to run over the border back to the south.

It's not the's those moronic corrupt mexican politicians, much like our politicians.

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