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Baja, here we come! Wait..., what..., no!
Debate Score:28
Total Votes:30
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 Baja, here we come! (10)
 Wait..., what..., no! (6)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

The United States of America should just annex Mexico.

It used to be where immigrants had an enormous respect for the opportunity this country had to offer.  Now they come over with a sense of entitlement and disrespect our flag.  Well, if they want to come here so badly, I say we annex them and save them the trip across the Rio Grand.  No more wet backs, no more cat and mouse, just a big old Welcome to the U.S. of A  ;)

Baja, here we come!

Side Score: 16

Wait..., what..., no!

Side Score: 12
2 points

What we aught to do , is hand over California to the Mexicans in exchange for Mexico. Unfortunately after few years of totally corrupt mexicans governing California, their people will again start to run over the border back to the south.

It's not the's those moronic corrupt mexican politicians, much like our politicians.

Side: Baja, here we come!

It's time for reverse migration and have Americans over run the southern border and take over ;)

Side: Baja, here we come!

I really like Cabo. I've been there once. Not bad...., but we can do better ;)

Side: Baja, here we come!
3 points

We would inherent their crime and poverty stricken areas.

Side: Wait..., what..., no!
2 points

Mexico is a very poor country why would we annex? That would be a very big mistake for this country. We need to send all of the illegal immigrants back to where they belong. Then if they want to become US citizens they need to understand they have to fallow the rules of the system to become US citizens.

Just like my ancestors did years ago when they came from Germany & France!

Side: Wait..., what..., no!

The illegals are already coming to this country in droves. We would just be expediting the inevitable. Embrace the chaos ;)

Side: Baja, here we come!
2 points

I would be for it, if it weren't for the whole "act of war" thing.

Side: Wait..., what..., no!

Not necessarily. They owe us lots of money. We can do a cash for Baja program :)

Side: Baja, here we come!
2 points

Where would it stop? Why not just annex all of south America? and Canada? Maybe even the rest of the world, we would all love to be part of the great USA.

Side: Wait..., what..., no!

Let's not go crazy! All we have to do is set up a world government where we're in charge ;)

Side: Baja, here we come!
2 points

Oh, well that may be a solution. When I think about it it makes perfect sense.

Side: Baja, here we come!

Kinda like the United nations. Just with less privileged players and a stronger "peace keeping" capacity :)

Side: Baja, here we come!
2 points

i say make our boder patrol the ablitlity to shoot the bastards but thats is mean so make the fences ELECTRIFIED ZAP haha tht will each em

Side: Wait..., what..., no!

Now you want to make all the illegals legal? Let the people in who want to come in, without them having to leave the comfort of their own home?

Side: Wait..., what..., no!

The politicians are going to make the illegals, legal. So we might as well get some land out of the deal ;)

Side: Baja, here we come!