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Rpatnaudei's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Rpatnaudei's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

Mexico is a very poor country why would we annex? That would be a very big mistake for this country. We need to send all of the illegal immigrants back to where they belong. Then if they want to become US citizens they need to understand they have to fallow the rules of the system to become US citizens.

Just like my ancestors did years ago when they came from Germany & France!

1 point

If you have to ask that question then you must be a lard ass! I don't understand why fat chicks ask.

My suggestion of losing 33lbs. of 100% pure ugly fat. Cut your head off!!!!!!!!!!


1 point

Man created god and with that thought the name god should not be printed on any currency or coin! It’s called separation of state and religion. It's all hocus pocus and all of y’all religious crazy need to get a life and stop begging for something that’s not there do yourselves a favor and keep it in your back pocket then y’all can sit on it and ponder. Every time I see someone with a cross hanging from their neck I think how weak they really are.

Religion is the route cause of war and has been for century’s its as stupid as that allah thing the new craze that messing up this country more then it is.

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