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Shaash's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Shaash's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

Yeah I didn't really like him as a person but I liked his policies regarding the jews ;) Get it cuz it's edgy?

3 points

More like proof that Donald Trump was a liberal amirite? ;)

1 point

Republicans don't like memes .

2 points

Fuck you now you got me trying :/

1 point

I don't believe I am the product of 4 billion years of evolution. If the Earth is only 2016 years old, how can I have evolved to be who I am today. These crazy liberals are forcing their views onto me!!!


P.S. Put yo' hands in the aiir, if yous a tru playiir

shaash(434) Clarified
1 point

I did a horrible job describing it. It is probably the best book of this decade, if not this century.

1 point

Also... it is the plot of Andy Weir's "The Martian". It's a good book and a wonderful movie, you should go see it!

1 point

What if we leave someone behind because we think he died in a storm but he survives and we only realize it when he messages us through images and grows his own potatoes and makes his own water and lives by himself in a space outpost called the hab and gets mad when he realizes the crew doesn't know he is alive and then the crew goes back for him but he risks everyones lives but they find him and then he comes back to earth, a celebrity, hero, and astronaut professor.

shaash(434) Clarified
2 points

Here is a quite biased but accurate document:

I know Liberals/progressives get offended for no reason too, but you can't group people like that, it's quite unfair. I'm very offended whine whine

shaash(434) Clarified
1 point

I agree but you could also say conservatives "live to be offended and they want to be unhappy". Don't try to bring politics into this, it isn't a political question.

1 point

I wrote this about God and it says some stuff about Consciousness, or Chetana:

Depends on your definition of God. If you think of God as Western religions define him, then no God doesn't exist. There is no person type thing that created the world in 7 days or whatever and will send you to Hell if you displease him.

My definition of God, being Hindu, is greatly different. God isn't a him or a her but an omnipresent force that has existed before time. It didn't create the world, and doesn't decide anything about the world. It exists inside of everything; me, you, Gandhi, Hitler, a tree, a rock, space, etc.

Scientists call it consciousness. Scientists know consciousness exists, so you can say my definition of god is wrong. You may argue that rocks don't have consciousness, but once you read the link you will have a new outlook on consciousness.

I know my definition of God isn't what many of you are thinking of,but if you look deeply God in all of the theistic religions is just a manifestation of consciousness. In Hinduism there aren't "many Gods" there is one God that is the consciousness in every thing on Earth.

Supporting Evidence: conciousness (
1 point

Hmm... scientifically proven with great explanations or random trash? I'll go with Darwin.

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