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Shellyk411's Waterfall RSS

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4 points

I feel I am in the middle but just a little to the left. It really depends on the issue at hand.

When nothing goes right, go left!

1 point

You have very valid point there. I would worry about the same thing. A man that rapes a woman must have some serious genetic defects going on! Not that it should excuse their crime because they still know right from wrong. But if I were in that circumstance, I would feel as if I were carrying the child of Satan. Maybe others would not agree, but that's how I would feel.

2 points

I agree with you on that one joecalvary. In fact, I believe when a woman goes to an Emergency Room after the report of a rape, she should automatically be given the "morning after" pill. That way she will never have to know if her violent attack resulted in pregnancy. She is already going to have to endure the STD tests and worry if she was given something that antibiotics can't fix.

Forcing a woman to endure 9 months of pregnancy, unforeseeable hours of labor and giving birth to the seed of her rapist is, in my opinion, like she is being raped over and over again.

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