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Yes, there is No, there isn't
Debate Score:24
Total Votes:26
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 Yes, there is (7)
 No, there isn't (11)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

There is one method of birth control that is 100% effective

By abstaining from sexual intercourse, you can be 100% sure that you will never get pregnant (unless your name is Mary, or Joseph, you live in Jerusalem and God has other plans for you).

Therefore, there is no reason for an abortion.... unless you are raped or the mother's health is in jeopardy.... in which case society can make an exception.

Yes, there is

Side Score: 12

No, there isn't

Side Score: 12

Of course abstinence is 100% effective. That completely doesn't make it the right choice for everybody.

Side: Yes, there is

If someone does not want to get pregnant, then the right choice is to abstain from sexual intercourse. The reason is that by using other methods, there is a small probability of failure. If failure does occur then abortion is the solution which requires that the individual view the fetus as a parasite, or a clump of cells in order to make themselves feel better about the abortion. The individual feels bad about abortion because deep down inside (subconsciously) they realize that they are committing a selfish act.

The dictionary defines the word "selfish" as: The act of placing one's own needs or desires above the needs or desires of others.

In this case the couple are placing their own needs and desires (the need and desire for an orgasm) above the needs and desires of the fetus (the need for a womb and the desire to live).

Side: Yes, there is

Abortion is currently mainly used by people who are too irresponsible to abstain from sexual intercourse and risk getting pregnant for a few minutes of pleasure (instant gratification). The one who ends up paying the price for said gratification is the fetus. If this isn't selfish, I don't know what is.

Side: Yes, there is
xander(438) Disputed
1 point

Hence my new nickname, pro-life boy =)

If this isn't pro-life, I don't know what is.

Side: No, there isn't

Well, lets see if the name sticks. I've been the contemporary JC for so long now that I don't know anyone will know by any other name ;)

Side: Yes, there is
1 point

This is true.

It is 100% effective like nothing else.

But there are other forms of birth control that are 99% effective. The trouble is that you need to know how and when to use them.

Side: Yes, there is

Well, there's also oral sex, dry humping, foot jobs, hand jobs, not having an orgasm during sex....

Side: Yes, there is
1 point

abstinence if you have enough self-control. this is, of course, not saying that everyone who doesn't want a kid should never have sex, but its guaranteed to keep you 100% baby-free.

Side: Yes, there is
1 point

Abstinence is only 99.99% effective.

Mary was a Virgin and still got pregnant.

Who knows, God may have plans for some random person who doesn't want to be a part of it. (return of Jesus and shit).

Side: No, there isn't
1 point

I agree with thepyg plus there is rape... but abortion is still not the way to go. There is this new thing called adoption! Or don't be a lazy ah*le and take care of your poor child!

Side: No, there isn't
1 point

In theory, there is this mutation that can occur within a woman that causes immaculate conception. It hasn't been proven, but it's a possibility. Therefore, abstainance may not be 100% effective.

:D It makes me happy to throw that out there... for some reason. I need a life. x.x

Side: No, there isn't
0 points


The minimum length for an argument is 50 characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible.

Side: No, there isn't

Yeah, I talked about rape in the description. The method that is 100% effective is abstinence. Obviously if you are raped you can't use that (or any other) method so in the case of rape, abortion is fine.

Side: Yes, there is
2 points

I agree with you on that one joecalvary. In fact, I believe when a woman goes to an Emergency Room after the report of a rape, she should automatically be given the "morning after" pill. That way she will never have to know if her violent attack resulted in pregnancy. She is already going to have to endure the STD tests and worry if she was given something that antibiotics can't fix.

Forcing a woman to endure 9 months of pregnancy, unforeseeable hours of labor and giving birth to the seed of her rapist is, in my opinion, like she is being raped over and over again.

Side: No, there isn't