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Vandebater's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Vandebater's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Its settled he has a very rich, indulgent, and healthy life outside the computer! .

1 point

your doing it right joe... as usual .

1 point

the bible says if the fox were to stop nickelback would make a new album and then satan would rise

1 point

LOL worst nightmare .

1 point

yes this is true... you'll either be successful and be in her pants or, the more likely alternative, she won't even like you as a friend.

1 point

skrillex? (the link) .

1 point

Wait..., What? NO!!! marriage is a sacred bond between MAN and Woman and joking about it is NOT funny. UNDERSTOOD? do i make myself CLEAR?

1 point

its true joe, we are all sinners and if it wasnt for you trolling us and making us suffer we would all go to hell. You redeem us by punishing us and making us pay for our sins. we deserve all of it, we put out bad and the universe makes you knock on our doors so we get back bad.

1 point

oh joe do you ever stop? .

2 points


-sheldon cooper .

2 points

very sneaky joe lol. .

2 points

very sneaky joe lol. .

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