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Vanillasmile's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Vanillasmile's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

The problem begins with needing a government to tell us what is right and what is wrong. Public OPINION not only varies with time, but is also subjective and not based on scientific evidence. Laws are usually made and ammended based upon the trends of a time.

What we need is education about issues and then people can make educated choices about their lifestyle.

With scientific education about whether or not S&M;is bad for you or not, whether homosexuality is harmful to others or not, or whether the age of consent for sex is 9 or 18 years of age, we can know what is to be acceptable or not. It is this simple.

Morality, religion, and laws made on the basis of public opinion, are subjective and change with time. Scientific facts do not.

No one should dictate what is to be "right" or "wrong". Not the church, not the government, not trends in society. If we are looking for absolutes in morality, they should be based on scientific facts.

We should not forget that the "purpose" of supporting a view that the earth's temperatures are rising is mainly to alter our behavior in favor of the environment. Whether or not we find conclusive evidence supporting the temperature change, it is almost indisputable that CO2 emissions are not good for the environment on which our survival depends on.

The arguments against global warming seem to come mainly from big industry, or from those groups who refuse to change the status quo.

We need to change, whether we think that global warming is the main reason or not, the conclusion remains the same.

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