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True Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:10
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 True (9)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Al Qaeda's support of attacking foreign embasies deserves some blowback

We always hear about

Americans experiencing blowback due to

American foreign policy.

Maybe it's time we hear about

Al Qaeda experiencing blowback due to

Al Qaeda's foreign policy of

supporting attacks on foreign embasies.


Side Score: 9

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 0

I wish we could still fight wars like we used to. Y'know, back when at the end of the war someone actually won, as opposed to someone eventually pulling out of a sustained and failed invasion. I think treating wars as wars instead of pussyfooting around the idea of someone getting hurt (as many liberals concern themselves with [joe, you should be proud; I'm bashing liberals]) would be a good first step.

Side: True

We may very well end up resorting to that. Look at my argument that starts with, "Russia and China...."

Our government may very well decide to take the world down with us ;)

I mean, why have the world's most technologically advanced military if we can't use it enforce our will and protect our interests and way our of life?

Actually..., we may already be too bankrupt to do anything about it. Oh well... ;)

Side: True

Russia and China have been making treaties to bypass the dollar for global oil customers. They began selling oil using their own currency. Any nation in the world that wishes from this point on, to buy, sell, or trade crude oil, can do so using the Chinese currency, not the American dollar.

That is is going to affect your life, your family, and your dinner table more than you can possibly imagine. So much so that we may need military rule to hold it all together. the-legs-out-from-under-the-u-s-dollar/

I think the time is right for both those countries to experience some blowback ;)

Side: True

One of the problems facing American interests is the large number of people that are against us. We need to drastically reduce that number down to something that is a little more manageable ;)

Side: True

If we are unable to marginalize the outside threat to American interests, we risk becoming a world power reduced to the level of Britain..., or worse..., to the level of France ;)

Side: True

I won't be happy until Al Qaeda is too busy sucking Uncle Sam's dick to kill innocent people ;)

Side: True

Its not just their attacking foreign embassys, its their public excexcutions in stadiums, them cutting off women's noses, stoning people to death and operating as a violent, theocratic organization deserves some blow back as well.

Side: True

while i think that there are plenty of times where the american foreign policy overreacts to events, i think now is a time where they need to put their foot down. An Embassy is legally american soil, we need to remind those rebell groups of that.

Side: True

I think a few more drone attacks are in order ;)

Side: True
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