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I take the pledge. I do my own thing, screw y'all
Debate Score:91
Total Votes:100
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 I take the pledge. (28)
 I do my own thing, screw y'all (34)

Debate Creator

jolie(9810) pic

An open letter to SlapShot.

Dear SlapShot,

(Let it be noted that I used the word, "Dear," next to "SlapShot."  That may sound like an oxymoron to some but my intent with this debate is of the purest of heart.  Although some may not see it as such.)

I found your debate confusing and contradictory (see link below).

You talk about how mentally superior you are and you identify a problem (I think you said, "this demographic is simply beneath me [sic] debate and rhetoric skill set.").

You identified the problem when you spelled out everything that you perceive as a negative with regards to the site and the CD community.  You state that you're too busy to be bothered with CD (I think you said, "It's just not worth my time.").  So, apparently, the solution is to not waste any time on CD.  But, in spite of all that, you are still going to come around once in a while (I think you said, "Ya aint [sic] gonna be seeing SlapShot 'round here **much**.")?  If you are so smart, and you identify a problem and what should be done about it but then you decide not to do what needs to be done, then... how smart are you, really?

I also don't understand your debate topic, "You guys continue to Disappoint and bore me...."  Were we put on this Earth to entertain you?

Please don't take any of this seriously or personally. I am not one of the "best" debaters on this site.  I only post debates that are jokes (puns,really. The lowest form of humor.).  My debates and arguments are meant to be lighthearted entertainment and so I am sorry that (even though it is not my job to entertain you) I was not able to provide enough entertainment for you.  

By the way, until recently, I always ended my arguments with a smiley.  So, since I no longer end my arguments with a smiley, I'll take your lead and end this with,


To the rest of the CD community.  

SlapShot comes across as an abusive boyfriend.  It is as if he is saying, "Listen, babe, you just ain't my type and quite honestly, I am out of your league.  I have a blonde and a red head on the side that are more my speed.  But don't worry.  Whenever I have nothing better to do, I'll come over and give you a good pounding for all times sake."

I don't know about the rest of you but I have to much respect and dignity for myself to allow myself to be treated in such a manner.

It is for this reason that I urge you to take the pledge to never respond to SlapSho

I take the pledge.

Side Score: 46

I do my own thing, screw y'all

Side Score: 45
7 points

I don't think he is going to be able to stay away. I think he is going to see this as a declaration of war and he is going to come running like a little bitch to try and defend his honor.

I'm just tired of all these self proclaimed, pseudo, intellectuals.

Side: I take the pledge.
jolie(9810) Clarified
4 points

Damn it! I can't believe I just created a drama debate.

Oh well, let the drama begin.

Side: I take the pledge.
ProLogos(2794) Disputed
1 point

Pseudointellectual is one word.

Side: I do my own thing, screw y'all
4 points

I wanted to get the message across that he is a self proclaimed intellectual but that in reality he is a pseudo-intellectual. Had I used the hyphenated version, the sentence would have been, "I'm just tired of all these self proclaimed pseudo-intellectual." And that doesn't make sense. Who calls themselves a pseudo-intellectual?

Supporting Evidence:–intellectual (
Side: I do my own thing, screw y'all
4 points

I guess I'd be on this side since he told me stay away from him... of course he also said he was only going to say it once, and he's already said it twice. LOL

Side: I take the pledge.
3 points

And if a lot of people sign the pledge, he will be forced to get a new account as you have stated before.

Side: I take the pledge.
2 points

Well SlapShot is not nearly as intelligent as he would like to pretend he might be. If one needs to show up on social media and tout their brilliance it only shows how child like they really are. So this quote seems to fit the situation.

" Its better to remain silent and thought of a fool then to open your mouth and remove all doubt"

Side: I take the pledge.
2 points

I use that line all the time Outlaw. It works wonders when talking to someone who thinks they are more intelligent but are not. I will take the pledge.

Side: I take the pledge.
Atrag(5666) Disputed
2 points

Well SlapShot is not nearly as intelligent

You said an insect isn't an animal.

Side: I do my own thing, screw y'all
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Can you get some good back strap off of an insect if it is an animal ? Do explain how that might happen ? Your intelligent response is awaited !

Side: I take the pledge.
0 points

I don't quite understand you but I hate slipshut so i'm in!

Also, I think red haired girls>blondes. I think it was because of a movie I watched.

Why I just shared this with you guys I have no idea.

Anyway, you shouldn't not end your messages with a smiley! Be YOUNIQUE!

Smileys are an excellent way to end a message in a positive way. Don't give up! Smiley's unite!


Side: I take the pledge.
2 points

I up-voted you to make up for the down vote someone gave you. But I can only do that once.

Also, I too like red-heads, but only if the carpet matches the curtains ;)

Side: I take the pledge.
1-26-14-25(87) Clarified
-1 points

Whoever downvoted this is either a dick or a blonde girl XD


Side: I take the pledge.
2 points

Or had the ability to read.

Side: I take the pledge.
0 points

Such energy put into trolling. Why can't you all be lazy like me? Why do I have to be the odd one out?!

Side: I do my own thing, screw y'all
ProLogos(2794) Clarified
0 points

Most likely because, typically, you intentionally answer for the least defended side.

Side: I take the pledge.
ProLogos(2794) Clarified
1 point

Fat chicks need lovin' too.

Side: I take the pledge.