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Maybe. I'm not sure.
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:9
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 Maybe. (3)
 I'm not sure. (4)

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jolie(9809) pic

Are atheists a bunch of closet Scientologists?


Side Score: 3

I'm not sure.

Side Score: 5
1 point

Although I don't know how Tom Cruise fits in.

Side: Maybe.
2 points

The Church of Scientology has been accepted as a religion and reputedly offers participants a path that leads them to their understanding of their spiritual nature and their relationship with the spiritual universe and the Supreme Being.

If this is correct then the answer would be no.

Side: I'm not sure.
Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

Not sure which country you are from but in the UK it has not been accepted a religion. Legally the courts have established it is a cult not a religion.

Side: Maybe.
1 point

Don't let Thetans hear you say that.

Side: Maybe.
0 points

No, Scientology has to do with science, hence the name of the religion.

Side: I'm not sure.
1 point

Views that atheists do not share with Scientologists: the belief that a galactic alien dictator named Xenu slaughtered billions of other aliens on Teegeeack (Earth) and that this created immortal spirit Thetans which adhere to human beings causing us spiritual harm and that this is the source for human suffering.

This is what happens when your religion is founded by a science fiction author.

Side: I'm not sure.
1 point


they just believe in atheism

or get away from feeling of sprituality

many time dey bcome as didnt get much from supernatural one

Side: I'm not sure.