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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Yup. Say, whaaaat!!!!????
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:9
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 Yup. (1)
 Say, whaaaat!!!!???? (4)

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jolie(9809) pic

Are black people the most violent mother f@^&ers you have ever seen in your life


Reference time in video: 1:25


That's some tough love right there.



Side Score: 2

Say, whaaaat!!!!????

Side Score: 4
0 points

Its slavers fault. Slavers used violence to control and that angered the blacks.

And also, it taught blacks that they should use violence to get what they want.

Yes, it was a long time ago, but prolonged exposure caused alteration within the genetics of black people's brain chemistry.

Prolonged exposure to anything , forces humans to adapt, because it's part of our nature to do so.

Side: Yup.
SophieS(22) Disputed
1 point

While you have a point that humans adapt, there was no alteration in brain chemistry in terms of genetics. An individual's PTSD following a traumatic violent event can result in anxiety passed down generation to generation; for example, the fact that young black men are taught to never sit with their back towards a door. Any person living with a pervasive fear is more prone to violence than someone secure in the knowledge that the state will protect them.

Side: Say, whaaaat!!!!????
1 point

i wouldn't make any statement on which race is worse, but i agree with the woman. before criticising another sub-race you should remove any possibility of hypocrisy, but whites murder each other and give and promote a criminalising stereotype for blacks

Side: Say, whaaaat!!!!????
1 point

She's generalising, but she has a fair point. She is telling her community to shape up.

However, in terms of systemic violence, asking if she's right may be asking the wrong question.

She's telling her community not to behave with such violence. But what are we doing wrong as a society to encourage it?

Side: Say, whaaaat!!!!????