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Yup. They'll get tired soon.
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 Yup. (6)

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jolie(9809) pic

Are liberals going to protest everything Trump does for the next 4 years?


Side Score: 7

They'll get tired soon.

Side Score: 0
2 points

Deep down inside liberals secretly wanted Trump to win so that they would have something to do. A Trump oresidency gives meaning to their lives. They are happiest when they are making signs (arts and crafts) and marching around (herd mentality) ;)

Side: Yup.
1 point

Never underestimate liberals in large groups ;)

Side: Yup.
1 point

Of course they are. Even if, and I mean IF, he does something right, there will always be a protest.

Side: Yup.
1 point

I hope they get tired soon ;)

Side: Yup.
Mint_tea(4641) Clarified
1 point

Maybe if we distribute pillows, blankets and sleepy time tea at protests they will take a much needed nap.

Side: Yup.

You see, Liberals are a very insecure bunch. Their insecurities surface when other American disagree with them on important issues dealing with morals values and humanity.

If you are a Conservative or Christian who believes killing even viable babies is wrong, then insecure pro abortion people must march, and protest, and demonize, and judge any person for saying such a thing.

You see, if it is truly bad to kill unborn babies, then these pro choice people are evil and selfish. They can not live with any notion of irresponsibility on their part because they are clinically insecure people.

So rather than just admit they have no moral compassion for unborn babies, they must demonize those who do.

This is just one issue of many thousands of issues. Its always about insecurity over one's choices in life. Liberals want no mention of fault, or right and worng, or moral values.

They would rather just say "we all make mistakes" and those words covers all their irresponsible purposeful choices in life. That statements makes us all just as bad as the next guy. In this way Liberals can condone and excuse any choice they make in life.

It's not their fault, it's just a mistake that all people make.

This is why they march. They must silence those who say most of us are responsible for the CHOICES we each purposely choose to make.

The Christian faith speaks much to personal responsibility and is why Liberals fight so hard against it's tenants.

Side: Yup.
Mint_tea(4641) Clarified
1 point

You need a blanket, a pillow and some tea. Maybe if you take a nap you won't be so cranky.

Side: Yup.
FromWithin(8241) Clarified
1 point

I would love a blanket, a pillow and some hot chocolate. I'm only cranky after listening to biased even news. Any more I can only stand to watch Fox news so as not to get cranky from all the deceptions and exxagerations from the Left.

Trump wants to keep terrorists from this nation, so therefore he is a NAZI! LOL, what fools the Left is made up of.

Side: Yup.
1 point

Of course. They seem to be capable of quite astonishing feats of stamina when it means they can complain about something or demonize someone, so why not do so non-stop for the next four years?

Side: Yup.
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