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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

Debate Info

Oh, yes, yes, oh God, yes Not a peep
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Oh, yes, yes, oh God, yes (2)
 Not a peep (1)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

Are you a screamer in bed?

I have these horrible nightmares and wake up in a pool of sweat screaming like a little girl.  Actually, it's more like a groaning sound until my wife wakes me.  How about you?  Are you a screamer in bed?

Oh, yes, yes, oh God, yes

Side Score: 2

Not a peep

Side Score: 1

When I'm in bed I hear my kids still awake, playing in their bedroom and I yell, "You kids better stop messing around and get to bed. Tomorrow is a school night. You don't want me to go in there?" That usually puts the fear of the contemporary JC in them ;)

Side: Oh, yes, yes, oh God, yes
Side: Oh, yes, yes, oh God, yes
1 point

In a nonsexual way, no, I'm not. If i wake up from a crappy dream, I just...wake up... and be pissed off for a couple hours. I'm not a screamer in general, at all though. For hearing loss reasons. And if someone screams at me, I want to shove my fist down their throat.

Side: Not a peep