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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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I hadn't thought of that I don't want to contemplate it
Debate Score:50
Total Votes:50
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 I hadn't thought of that (39)
 I don't want to contemplate it (5)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40163) pic

Are you prepared for an End Of The World scenario?

Many people get discouraged when they consider how much room they will need to store a year's supply of food and water for one person.  They become even more discouraged when they realize that they will need a lot more than that until they regroup with others, form a commune and establish a farm that will feed all of its members.

The problem, however, becomes more manageable once you realize that all you need is a computer with a database that shows where all the food/water hoarders live.  You will also need different calibre guns and lots of ammo.  The reason for the different calibre guns is so that when you find ammo, you will have a gun that can make use of it.

I know that you are now thinking about the logistics of storing so much ammo.  You might even feel a little discouraged at the fact that you are just substituting storing food and water with storing ammo.  But the fact remains that even if you decide to store food and water, you will still need guns and ammo to protect it.  

The problem becomes more manageable when you realize that, if you are a good shot, it takes about 12 bullets to take out a family of four (if you take them by surprise) in order to acquire their yearly rations of food and water.  You may need a few more bullets to take out your neighbors in order to have a place to store your new found loot.  So when you think about it, storing 72 bullets is better than storing a year's supply of food and water for 4 people.

So you see, preparing for an End Of The World scenario is not as daunting as you may have first thought.

I hadn't thought of that

Side Score: 44

I don't want to contemplate it

Side Score: 6

Actually..., I did think it through. Which is why I created this debate ;)

Side: I hadn't thought of that
1 point

Very thought out! But what if this end world scenario involves hulking genetically altered humans that resist bullets more than your average meatsack?

Side: I hadn't thought of that

Hey, it's my fantasy, my rules. There are no genetically mutated hulking humans ;)

Side: I hadn't thought of that
2 points

Thanks joe I could use this and be prepared for this 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄

Side: I hadn't thought of that

I take it that's the Mayan calendar ;)

Side: I hadn't thought of that
1 point

Possibly I was just doing something...........................................

Side: I hadn't thought of that
2 points

Perhaps if you, as opposed to storing guns and ammo, stored blunt battering-worthy weapons, and accrue a posse of friends, you can raid tight quarter buildings, such as homes and apartment complexes, without the expense of searching for bullets. So in other words, guerrilla warfare. Doing so you'd likely find guns and ammo anyhow and could then ward off other militant groups with said ammo.

Side: I hadn't thought of that

What if they shoot you while you are trying to ram their door down? ;)

Side: I hadn't thought of that

The problem, however, becomes more manageable once you realize that all you need is a computer with a database that shows where all the food/water hoarders live.

No such database exists, to the best of my knowledge; certainly not one we could gain access to. And in any event, post-apocalypse technology will be limited to things that operate without electricity, for the most part, so maintaining and powering a computer after the End of the World would be pretty much impossible.

I think you need to take your plan back to the drawing board, as it all hinges on this one ill conceived idea.

Also, even if your computer idea worked and was a reality, you just told a whole bunch of people about it, so now you have unwanted competition.

Side: I hadn't thought of that

Hmmmm..., unwanted competition...., I guess you are all on that database then ;)

Side: I hadn't thought of that
1 point

If the scenario involves zombies, I'm more than ready.

The minimum length for an argument is 50 characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible.

Side: I hadn't thought of that

What minimum ;)

Side: I hadn't thought of that
1 point

Why killing people? This is what they do in ragnarok, according to the prophecies.

Side: I hadn't thought of that

Why kill people? Because it is all we know how to do. Have you seen our video games? Americans are not happy unless we are kicking someone's ass ;)

Side: I hadn't thought of that
1 point

But- 'family of four' ???

I could kill someone who attacked me, but not children.

Side: I hadn't thought of that
2 points

I am not preparing because its not going to happen I will come outside after that day as passed and scream I am alive!

Side: I don't want to contemplate it

Unless..., of course..., you're dead. In which case..., I won't even bother saying, "I told you so..." ;)

Side: I don't want to contemplate it
1 point

I don't prepare for something that will happen in billions of years.

Side: I don't want to contemplate it

No preparing here, it is the end of the world, then let it be.

Worst of all no more pointless debates.

Side: I don't want to contemplate it

When th End of the world scenario comes I will just die

Side: I don't want to contemplate it