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Abort the little bastards. Save the fetuses!!!
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:14
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 Abort the little bastards. (7)
 Save the fetuses!!! (4)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40131) pic

Can we all agree that there should not be any laws banning abortions?


It is God's job to be

judge, jury and excutioner.

Let God make the call.

Let us let Him deal with it.

Why should we try to second guess Him?

Should we decide if abortion should never be allowed?

Should we be the ones to decide if it's OK in the event of rape or incest?

Why not just tell people,

"You decide.  If you make the wrong choice, God will deal with you."

Besides, as long as she accepts Jesus into her life and repents

before dying

she'll be saved.

So what's the big deal?

A country needs positive population growth

in order to sustain itself.

That's what illegals are for.



Abort the little bastards.

Side Score: 7

Save the fetuses!!!

Side Score: 4

I am constantly looking for things we can all agree on. But you people are so ornery that it makes me want to abort you all retroactively ;)

Side: Abort the little bastards.
1 point

Retroactive? That ain't abortion any more.

Side: Abort the little bastards.

You just have to step back a little and squint. ;)

Side: Abort the little bastards.

I have no problem with abortion as long as it is within 12 weeks of a pregnancy. Before then a fetus is too undeveloped to be classed as a human being.

Side: Abort the little bastards.
-1 points

I wonder what China's laws are regarding abortion (considering how they have the one child rule).

Side: Abort the little bastards.
hulkster(3) Disputed
1 point

How hard is it to look up China's laws on abortion? Too bad your mother did not have one.

Side: Save the fetuses!!!
1 point

Well, what about cases where the abortion is based on the gender of the baby?

Side: Save the fetuses!!!
1 point

Can we all agree that there should not be any laws banning abortions?

That is like saying we shouldn't stop murderers because God will deal with them

Side: Save the fetuses!!!

I think we should strive to identify the killer and then let nature take its course ;)

Side: Save the fetuses!!!
Gaytruth(38) Disputed
1 point

I think we should strive to identify the killer and then let nature take its course ;)

So we give him 30 years to live? Seems kinda of short compared to Norway?

Michael Moore Visits Norway Prison
Side: Abort the little bastards.