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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Debate Score:10
Total Votes:11
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joecavalry(40163) pic

Can you help me make a list of things that proves that life was all ASS BACWARDS

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It used to be that people were for the death penalty and against abortion ;p

It used to be that marriage was between a man a woman ;p

And before that is was between a man and some women.


That doesn't actually apply to global history. Same sex and multiple partner unions have been prevalent throughout antiquity, just not so much in prudish old America.

It used to be that, as the master, you didn't have to pick up after your dog ;p

1 point

Those were the good old days.

When being fat was a sign of wealth.

When not working was a sign of wealth.

When homosexuality was a crime, now homophobia is (in Britain that is).

When no-one worked on a Sunday, yet the economy managed to perform better.

I'm not sure if it totally fits the subject, but there's something to be said for white people abolishing slavery and then going on to institutionalize "internships," a kind of right-of-passage for whites where they labor under someone else for free.

1 point

America used to have slaves; now we have a black president... well... he's kind of black lol.

back then you could git a lickin for 2 shillings you could