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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

Debate Info

Yes, the person on the video No, not a single person
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 Yes, the person on the video (2)
 No, not a single person (3)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40163) pic

Can you think of one person who is not for "change" and "jobs for all"?

Yes, the person on the video

Side Score: 2

No, not a single person

Side Score: 3

This video reinforces what I've been saying all along ;)


Side: Yes, the person on the video
1 point

Yes, but Glozell is a satirist. She's as funny as hell too. She's not your every day person who is actually looking or not looking for change or jobs. She's spoofing her own race here...this isn't to be taken seriously.

Side: No, not a single person

Yeah, but there's a little bit of truth in every joke, otherwise it fails ;)

Side: No, not a single person
1 point

I'm not a racist, but that was pretty funny. I have another person, and I am sure you guys would NEVER be able to guess who he or she is... :)

Side: Yes, the person on the video
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