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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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#joe_cavalry #forever_alone
Debate Score:13
Total Votes:13
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 #joe_cavalry (7)
 #forever_alone (6)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40163) pic

Did I ruin my chances with this woman?

I took a woman out on my boat, first date, and when we found a secluded spot, we started making out, hot and heavy.  She started nibbling on my ear and my hearing aid fell off.  We are both too consumed by passion at this point to care.  She then whispered, "Aye, aye captain."  To which I naturally respond, "I can't hear you..."  so she says it again, much louder, "Aye, aye captain!"  So I said, "Ooooh...." and started singing the Sponge Bob Square Pants song.




Side Score: 7


Side Score: 6

How do I recover from this? ;)

Side: #joe_cavalry

If she's turned off permanently by injecting some silliness into the heat of the moment, she's probably not worth the effort :P

Side: #joe_cavalry

Oh, I injected something alright ;)

Side: #joe_cavalry
1 point

Oh man... Joe you never cease to amazing me with your perpetual jokes. It's been like 8 years, how do you still have new ones?

Side: #joe_cavalry

Internet ;)

Side: #joe_cavalry

First world, heterosexual male, problems ;)

Side: #forever_alone
joecavalry(40163) Clarified
1 point

Do gay men like the Sponge Bob Square Pants song ;)

Side: #joe_cavalry
1 point

Only when they have a woman on board their boat. ;)

Side: #forever_alone