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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

Debate Info

Yup. Nope.
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Yup. (3)
 Nope. (1)

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jolie(9809) pic

Do men remember the bikini clad women he ogles at while at the beach?


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 1

Funny story. The summer before my freshman year of high school, I went on vacation to a nearby beach campground for a week. This was what my family tended to do for vacation every year given our finances, but I didn't mind.

Anyway, there was a particularly attractive spanish blonde girl around my age staying at the campground that same week, who favored a small pale blue bikini. At the time I was nearly completely inexperienced with girls, and tended to get so nervous about them that approaching them was more or less out of the question at that point- but oh, did I ogle. And ogle. And ogle some more. I thought I was being really stealthy about it, too.

Anyway, we came home from vacation, I finished up the last of summer vacation, and then went to start my first day of high school. And whom do I run into in homeroom? You guessed it. And I mentioned thinking I was being stealthy about it? Not so much. She recognized me and called me out on it immediately.

She wasn't unpleasant in doing so, and in retrospect her manner and body language were most definitely flirtatious- but I didn't know a damned thing about girls at the time, and my humiliated stammering apology and retreat certainly did not score me any points.

So... yes, men do remember the bikini clad women we ogle at the beach, at least some of us. And some of those women remember us too.

Side: Yup.
1 point

Wait until you get to be my age. You won't remember crap.

Side: Yup.

I dunno, that's a long time. We'll probably have brain-computer interfaces by then to augment our memory. The proofs of concept are already there, it's just a few decades of refinement to wait for.

Side: Yup.
1 point

Who in their right mind would go to the beach covered in a protective layer of clothing or sun screen lotion to avoid getting skin cancer and still have the presence of mind to spend time ogling .....?

Side: Nope.