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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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joecavalry(40163) pic

Do you believe God's homosexuality is wrong

Here are the most discussed debates:

366 vs 601 Do_you_believe_in_God_2

1398 vs 1419

I figured that if I smash both of them together,

I can double those numbers.

So..., do you think that God is wrong for being gay?

After all...,

He did kiss Judas.


He hung around 12 guys.

If He washed their feet,

what else did He do to them?


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 5

Some people say, "It's for the children!!!"

I say, "It's for the points I get for lolz I provide" ;)

Side: Yes
joecavalry(40163) Clarified
1 point

Isn't it amazing I can create this debate and NOT be burned in effigy? Actually..., it'd be cool if I managed to get that reaction. If I was able to reach the depth of some human being to the point where he would take the time, money and effort to burned me in effigy...., I would feel honored, and proud at my new found power...., after finding a safe hiding place, of course ;)

Side: Yes
joecavalry(40163) Clarified
1 point

OK, so my plan was to hide with that Assage guy in the Embassy of Ecuador but then I remembered what they did to the Embassies in the Middle East. Now I don't know where I'd hide. Maybe Saurbaby has a good hiding spot for me ;)

Side: Yes

If proof or evidence were uncovered that irrefutably proved that Jesus was gay, the overwhelming majority of Christians would cover their eyes and ears and pretend it didn't exist. They like to ignore evidence, most of them at least.

Side: No
1 point

Wait, what... no.

Side: No

Jesus isn't gay. I'm not even going to bother to talk about the points you made, because they're really just silly.

Even if he was gay, I don't really see how that would make a difference in Christianity. Well, it wouldn't make a difference to me.

Side: No

Would he have to send Himself to hell? Or would He simply change the rules ;)

Side: No