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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

Debate Info

Yes, of course. No, they're smooth down there
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 Yes, of course. (3)
 No, they're smooth down there (3)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40131) pic

Does a teddy bear have cotton balls?

When I was in the Army we had a surprised inspection.  We did, however, have enough time to polish our shoes (which is done using water, kiwi and cotton balls).  One of the guys ran towards my roomate, the old man (he was 27), frantically screaming, "Do you have any cotton balls?  Do you have any cotton balls!" to which he replied, "Hell far young one, what do you think I am a teddy bear?"  We all laughed at him and he said that that was not what he meant.... but I never did figure out the answer....

Yes, of course.

Side Score: 4

No, they're smooth down there

Side Score: 4
2 points

I think he was referring to teddy bears being stuffed with cotton.... and if he was a teddy bear, he'd have plenty of cotton balls on him, or at least just cotton. I'm not positive, but I do think they're stuffed with cotton, not necessarily "cotton balls" though. I can't really imagine what else that guy was referring to though...

Side: Yes, of course.

Yeah, I don't know either but he once told me a story about a lady that almost got fired from a Tickle Me Elmo factory because her manager told her to give each Tickle Me Elmo a pair of test tickles and she misunderstood. That story also had something to do with cotton balls. ;)

Side: Yes, of course.

Don't they stuff teddy bears with cotton balls or do they use something else? I know the old man was not stuffed with cotton balls so.... please explain ;)

Side: Yes, of course.

As far as I know and can see...teddy bears must all be famale because there are no cotton balls down there...its all smooth!

Side: No, they're smooth down there

.........................................................................What The fuck? JC, you totally just ruined teddy bears for me, forever :P

Side: WTF

Aren't you too old to be sleeping with teddy bears anyway? ;)

Side: No, they're smooth down there