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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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True, it's about.... Wait..., it isn't?
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Wait..., it isn't? (4)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Doing the hokey pokey and turning yourself around is NOT what it's all about

True, it's about....

Side Score: 0

Wait..., it isn't?

Side Score: 4
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It has to be!!! What else is there? ;)

Side: Wait..., it isn't?
1 point

Well, there's putting your right foot in, and putting your right foot out... and then there's putting your left foot in and shaking it all about...

Foot rape, anyone? ;)

... Although, it makes you wonder; what does "Hokey" mean?...

Side: Wait..., it isn't?

I'm not sure what hokey is but I think I have a pretty good idea about what the pokey is ;)

Side: Wait..., it isn't?

I remember that silly song when I was a kid. I just remember seeing these people doing this funny dance to the song and the dance was so rudimentary.

Side: Wait..., it isn't?