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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Debate Score:10
Total Votes:10
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joecavalry(40130) pic

Well, other than microbes that can digest plastic (as joe suggested) there isn't much we can do. The pieces are far to small, and the area is much too large for there to be a feasable solution for cleanup. All we can really do at this point is stop adding plastic to the oceans by doing a better job of recycling and stop dumping garbage in the ocean.

1 point

I do agree that we should stop putting our trash

in the ocean, but if we don't do something about the trash

that's already there, all it's life will be gone. I think we should stop trash from getting there and then go clean it up.

Well..., if we reduce the population of human beings on the planet, then we will reduce the amount of polution human beings create.

Alternatively, if we do nothing, then the number of men with sexual disfunction will increase to the point where the number of pregnancies will decrease, thus reducing the human population ;)

We might also be able to do this:

1 point

we need to stop pullotion in the ocean its not fair.the ocean never harmed us...

1 point

I don't think that the ocean has harmed us ever, aleast not the life in it.

Well...., there was that little tsunami in Japan but... ;)

1 point

If the ocean gets to full of pollution, trash can not only efect ocean life, but also us.I think that we should put our trash somewhere else.

1 point

Having sailed a lot of waters, it was amazing how much trash is in the ocean. I could judge if I was getting with a few hundred miles of land by the trash. Being off the coast of China was the worst. If we are to stop plastic being dumped in the ocean, well, we need to stop dumping plastic in the ocean. Simple as that. Btw, I agree with the poster above, there are too many of us now. To maintain the current population levels every woman would need to have 2.5 children. Lets reduce that a tad and naturally reduce the population. Hence, a cleaner planet.

One way to reduce the world's population and have fun doing it is by allowing freeway shootings ;)