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Language Grade Level uses the Flesh-Kincaid Readability Grade Level formula.

Debate Statistics for Expanding Islands of Trash Afloat in the Ocean
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Side scores:
: 10

Total arguments:
: 9

Word lengths:
: 4.19 ave

Language grade level:
Flesh-Kincaid Readability Grade Level
: 7th

Vocabulary overlap:

Total words used:
: 366

Word frequencies:
agree  also  amazing  being  beings  china  doing  don't  dumping  efect  else  few  full  gets  getting  harmed  having  hence  human  hundred  japan  judge  land  life  lot  miles  much  naturally  need  ocean  only  our  planet  plastic  point  pollution  population  put  reduce  sailed  should  somewhere  stop  think  too  trash  tsunami  usi  waters  well