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True. Wait, what adoption benefits??
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:18
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 True. (5)
 Wait, what adoption benefits?? (7)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

Gays should be allowed to adopt for the adoption benefits!

If we allow them to marry for the marriage benefits,

then we should allow them to adopt for the adoption benefits.


Side Score: 6

Wait, what adoption benefits??

Side Score: 8

They will tell you that it's all about love but it's really all about the benefits ;)

Side: True.
joecavalry(40130) Clarified
1 point

Think about the children ;)

Side: True.

Wait..., are we talking about gays adopting each other? ;)

Side: True.
-1 points

we do not need to promote gayism. Gay people cause AIDS.

Side: Wait, what adoption benefits??
Intangible(4934) Disputed
1 point

Owh, am sorey. I meant Gay Men Cause AIDS. Lesbians can has all da benefits.

Side: True.