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True. Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:6
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 Wait..., what? No!!! (6)

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jolie(9810) pic

Global warming is Earths way of cleansing itself.

Humans are full of bacteria.
If humans give up on hygiene, they start to smell.
They start to smell because bacteria release a lot of crap onto our bodies.
So humans have to bathe to remove the bacteria.

Humans are Earth's bacteria.
If Earth doesn't bathe, it starts to smell.
It starts to smell because humans release a lot of crap into the atmosphere.
Earth uses climate change to get rid of people.


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Wait..., what? No!!!

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1 point

Nice try.

But yeah, bacteria has been given an unduly harsh rap by lay persons. We ourselves are chock-full of those little buggers, and in fact, all the bacteria on Earth weighs more than any other living species of either fauna or flora. By a lot!

How much bacteria is on your body right now, you ask? Including the majority of it, which is in your gut?

Enough to fill a big soup can. That's three to five pounds of bacteria!

The bacteria cells in our body outnumber human cells 10 to 1---but because they are much smaller than human cells, they account for only about 1 to 2 percent of our body mass—though they do make up about half of our body's waste.

And don't worry, over 99% of all that bacteria in us and ON us is GOOD! As is over 90% of all of it the world. It is only odd bug that can do us harm. It's Viruses that we really need to worry about. Those guys are almost always nasty. they even have their own DNA, which of course Bacteria does not posses. Viruses are so good at infiltrating us and spreading, that is, hijacking our body's cells, that they almost seem to be intelligent! They are truly amazing at how effective they do their jobs.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

Think of it as the Earth giving itself an enema an flushing out the Trumps and Hillays f the world ;)

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!

Since we're on the topic of bacteria, I wanted to ask you about the colon, in particular, "leaky gut" syndrome. Is there anything to that, or is it just a faux ailment marketers use to sell their products to cure said condition? It may not be your area, but thought I would ask anyway.


Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

Just get a butt plug and stop eating fake sugar ;)

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
SlapShot(2608) Clarified
1 point problema, mate. I happen to do know a little about the LGS. My brother had it a few years ago. He thought it was IBS aty first but went to a Doc and got told it was a Leaky Gut, which sort of cracked me up when he told me. LOL

But the name is sort of a catch-all slang. "Leaky Gut Syndrome" is the condition that the docs call “Hyperpermeable Intestines"----- a fancy medical term that means the intestinal lining has became more porous, with more holes developing that are larger in size and the "screening out" or filtering process is no longer working properly. So what happens is, just like if you have a hole or tear in any sort of filter or a fishing net...ya get larger, undigested food molecules and other “bad stuff” like toxins, and waste, that your body normally doesn’t allow, to flow freely (unfiltered) into your bloodstream.

Your intestinal lining is technically a part of your immune system. And The outer layers of intestine are called epithelia, and are connected by these "seams" that they call "junctions."

So.... During your normal digestion those junctions stay closed, which forces all molecules to be screened before they get in your circulation system.

But in Leaky Gut these tight junctions can become “open” or "leaky" ...and that is why the un-filtered molecules get to pass into the bloodstream.

If I recall, I think (don't hold me to this) that the usual causes are a shitty diet, or too much stress, which makes a hormone called cortisol get released in your body. I think that somebody that is constantly exposed to toxins, like if they work in a factory or manufacturing type of a setting can also get the leaky gut syndrome. Because, remember: it IS an auto-immune problem at its core.

I think diet and some supplements can usually cure it, as well as (duh!) getting away from the toxin exposure, it thats the original problem.


Side: True.