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Debate Score:11
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 How did debateleader get ahead of me in the weekly leader board (6)

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How did debateleader get ahead of me in the weekly leader board


The world is all upside down.

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How did debateleader get ahead of me in the weekly leader board

He leads debate, it should be obvious ...

OK, now see..., I'm the one who makes the stupid jokes here, so...., STOP IT!!! Hmmm...., 2 shout-outs so far ;)

Just giving debateleader a shout-out... Ready? Here it goes...., HEY...., STOP IT!!! ;)

Well Joe, looks like you need to up your trolling level. I suggest changing your picture to the trollface and listening to Never Gonna Give You Up while typing. Then you'll be back on top in no time.

Man..., I'm telling you. Every newbie that shows up wants to take a shot at the top dog ;)

I never thought that there would be a debate about me. The answer is I am almost always online.