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True. Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:61
Total Votes:61
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 True. (46)
 Wait..., what? No!!! (12)

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jolie(9809) pic

How to keep America safe during these uncertain times.

Here's what we do:
We go to a Staples store and buy one of those big red buttons labelled "easy." 
The one with a recording so that when you push it says, "That was easy."
Then we change the label to say "Nukes."
Then we change the recording to say, "Nuclear launch has been initiated."
Then we sneak it into the White House and then into the Oval Office and screw it onto the president's desk.
That way if Trump decides to launch the nukes, nothing happens and we're all safe.


Side Score: 48

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 13
1 point

Either that or we change the nuclear launch code to "I-Love-Mexico." ;)

Side: True.
1 point

We are toast anyway. Trump wont throw the first punch.

There is not enough hours in the day to write out a blirb about all of it.

Watch this, you can't make this stuff up! When you take the Bible and read the news by it, man its crazy!

Side: True.
1 point

I remember the height of the cold war. The Iranians had American hostages. People were declaring, "The end is near!" and nothing happened. I'm not going to get myself all worked up again this time around ;)

Side: True.
KNHav(1957) Disputed
1 point

Remember I said the closer we get the more pieces fit?

The pieces didnt all fit then, and they do now.


Fortune telling


Prediction could be either Christian/Jewish or secular

Fortune telling is exclusively secular

Prophesy is exclusively Christian/ Jewish

Prophesy builds faith as we look back and see line upon line fulfillment. Its one way God confirms Himself.

Prophesy past fulfilment also give clues for interpreting prophesy and making more accurate Godly predictions.

Prophesy is also instructional to a specific time period.

And God confirms that in several ways.

If you step back a minute and observe. All things you say could be coincidences, all confirm the same things from multiple angles. God is a God of order, mathmatical order, reasoning, common sense logic, judicial, and a God of evidence.

Faith is evidence of what is unseen! Thats what it says faith is.

Blind faith is not of God. He would never require us to walk following blindly. As a matter of fact He says blind follow blind and both fall into the pit. Blindness regarding faith is actually judgment. All the evidence is meant to weigh together from every direction so we can be sure of faith by evidence that is logical and compelling.

And some revelation is specific to be revealed.

So now it seems all of it has a place in the puzzle. And holding 1 piece in your hand can fit 1 or 2 places maybe 3, but the puzzle is filled in to the point its much clearer.

We literally could take the Bible and read the news with it.

We are in a unique time in Bible history. Between technology and events unfolding, its more like a neon sign flashing truth, than a guess and a prediction.

Your passivity may do you harm, and it could be permanent.

So study a little, and let the evidence pile and weigh it together.

If you have the body, murder weapon, motive, and dna signature, along with every piece of evidence from finger prints to testimonies, at some point the combined evidence is more compelling than being simply a suspect!



Side: Wait..., what? No!!!

Now why didn't I think of that? Oh wait.... ;)

Side: True.
1 point

Log out, go give your family some love and attention, reaffirm with your friends and neighbors and coworkers that you're there for each other, and odds are your local part of the world will pull through together regardless of what Washington or the rest of the world is doing.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

What is going on in Washington is a backlash against 8 years of liberalism. This serves as a release valve for the pressure that has been mounting. This is a good thing. We don't want to piss off anti gun control supporters who also happen to own assault weapons ;)

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point

What is going on now is a populist hatemonger emboldening people with persecution complexes that are resistant to evidence or reason... who own assault weapons. It doesn't matter what we do. They piss themselves off. (Notably, they're not special that way. Just more likely to be armed.)

Side: True.
1 point

Cooperate more fully with Putin???? Sell America to him as an example of "The Art of the Deal"???

Wait....What? NO!

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!