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joecavalry(40130) pic

If thoughts are nothing more than chemical reactions, why aren't others consciou

If consciousness is nothing more than chemical reactions occuring inside the brain, and once the brain is destroyed, consciousness ends, then why aren't there other chemical reactions that are also conscious?

Scientists do not yet understand gravity enough to create (for example) an anti-gravity device.  They also do not fully understand the brain, let alone consciousness.  What if consciousness is not tied to the brain and its inner workings as some currently believe?  What if consciousness continues even after the brain is destroyed?

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1 point

This is because there are subconscious chemical reactions.

2 points

For example dreams and sexual orientation.

1 point

The notion that there is an afterlife is merely a result of the majority of humanity's inability to accept that it will truly amount to nothing regardless of how much it achieves in this lifetime.

History has taught us (time and time again) that there have been arrogant humans that believed certain things to be true and then some discovery proved them to be wrong. You would have imagined that people would have learned that lesson by now. But with each new generation we get a fresh batch of arrogant individuals that need to be humbled ;)

Either consciousness does not require a brain to exist or there exists other chemical reactions that are also conscious.

joecavalry(40130) Clarified
2 points

There are arrogant people on this site that claim to know more than the scientists who recognize that they just don't know ;)

sauh(1106) Disputed
1 point

You don't know me. I am a very arrogant person on this site and I am much more aware of all the things I don't know than many of the top scientist.

1 point

I think it is possible... Hell, I actually believe it. I think our consciousness can exist without the brain in some sort of unseen realm.

You should watch this...

Some people do not think, "I am." Some people think, "I is." ;)

1 point

True. Actually, isn't that what God said his name was in the Bible, "I Am"? I wonder if that was for the believers to realize their inner divinity.

Did you get around to watching the video?

Different chemicals = different reactions.

Different chemicals = different reactions = different consciousness.... but consciousness just the same ;)

And some reactions are weaker than others and the outcome of that can be subconscious thoughts.

1 point

Here is another interesting video.

Watch it!
LittleMisfit(1745) Clarified
1 point

I wrote a paper on near death experiences where I break down each component of an NDE. Here it is if you're interested.

GuitarGuy(6096) Clarified
1 point

Hey, thanks! That was a long paper, so I will address just a few things.


I don't think the inconsistencies prove that they are dreams, because many NDErs report afterwards that they discovered that God is our "higher Self". If that is the case (and scientifically it does make sense that we'd all be one organism), then I think that would support the experiences being unique to each individual. Who is to say that god doesn't like to mix the afterlife experience up a bit? lol

Some have even said religious background plays a role in the experience, but even if the person sees Jesus, Buddha or whoever, they often come back with the knowledge that religion doesn't matter.

It is also safe to assume that not every NDE can be considered accurate. Some people make stuff up for attention. We see this in every day life as well. Some people see UFOs, some people just say they saw UFOs. Some people did their homework, some people lie and say they did their homework, and then create elaborate excuses. Dishonesty is a human trait.

Also, different cultures explain things differently. The tunnel for example, has been described as a tunnel, a tailpipe, a tornado, and so on. Language and culture barriers often make the experiences seem more different than they really are.

Oxygen Starvation

I would like to read the comparison between the tunnel that NDErs experienced and people who went through oxygen starvation, but not death. The tunnel that appears after death sounds a lot more elaborate, not to mention the people say that they step into the tunnel and can examine their surroundings. I noticed you quoted Greyson on that bit though, and it is probably the same Dr. Greyson in the video I provided, who believes NDEs are legitimate afterlife experiences. I think it said your quote was from the 80's and the video I provided is from the 21st century, so maybe Dr. Greyson changed his opinion regarding the tunnel and bright light sometime between then and now.


Now this is a phenomenon that needs to be studied more deeply. They say that they can recreate OBEs, but don't stop to think, "Wait... WTF?". Dead or not, the fact that people are having OBEs suggests that we really are not our bodies.

It is possible that several OBE cases are as a result of hallucinations, but there are also several incidents where a person who experiences an OBE reports things that they could have only seen if they actually did leave their body.

I think a good way to test NDEs and OBEs would be to set up a camera with a clock on it, so that we could know exactly when the person was supposedly out of their body. This would of course, have to be organized early on, somehow. Maybe set up a room specifically for patients that have died and can possibly be resuscitated.

Lights flashing before eyes/feeling of euphoria

Isn't it convenient that these kinds of sensations occur at the time of death, or just prior to it?

Our brains and consciousness are strange things that scientists haven't really gotten a grip on yet. It's not like it is another planet, or the bottom of the ocean... Yet we still don't understand it.

Dead People

I do agree that when people have death on their mind, it seems more likely for them to see deceased relatives... But how do you explain the people who died and saw a deceased family member that nobody knew was dead at the time?

I find it kind of silly that people who haven't died yet are telling people what death is like. I also find it funny that scientists, who don't deal with death, think it is explainable, yet doctors who deal with death almost on a daily basis, are the ones who often can't explain NDEs. I think materialism has brainwashed society and tried to remove the possibility of anything supernatural. I think it should still be recognized as a possibility and studied with that in mind.

By the way, did you watch the video? It's pretty interesting. It took place at the UN.

Just because consciousness is a product of chemical reactions, doesn't necessarily mean that all chemical reactions result in consciousness. Just because a statement is true, doesn't mean the converse is true. For example: "if it snows enough, then school will be cancelled" is in most places at least here in america, true, but "if school is cancelled, then it must have snowed enough" is not true, because school can be cancelled for other reasons then snow. So it would be fallacious to think "If something produces thoughts, then it probably is producing those thoughts via chemical reactions" doesn't mean that "If chemical reactions take place, then it is probably producing thoughts."

So out of all the possible chemical reactions, billions, only one is capable of conscious thought? ;)

I don't think it works that way, I am pretty sure it is many chemical reactions within the brain. So no, not just one, unless I am mistaken, I am not an expert on the brain. However my point wasn't that, my point was, that not all chemical reactions result in thoughts, just because one or many does. I also don't think we ever observed chemical reactions resulting in thought outside of a brain, so it most likely needs a brain.

If clouds are nothing more than visible, gaseous masses of liquid water and/or ice, why don't they all rain or snow?

Simply because something can be boiled down simplistically, it does not follow that all representatives of that thing will have the same characteristics.

Also, the premise is incorrect. Thoughts include energetic and mechanical reactions as well as chemical. You have excessively simplified the premise.

How else to explain the concept if not by over simplifying ;)

MuckaMcCaw(1969) Clarified
1 point

By....not oversimplifying ?