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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Well...., it's a little like Damn! Still here....
Debate Score:16
Total Votes:16
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 Well...., it's a little like (6)
 Damn! Still here.... (6)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

If you were raptured, tell us what it's like

OK, so if you saw someone all of a sudden vanish or if you yourself vanished (but somehow managed to take your AT&T iPhone with you and discovered that your signal bars are all lit up) text us and tell us about it.  People are dying to know.

Well...., it's a little like

Side Score: 7

Damn! Still here....

Side Score: 9

I don't remember much of the actual rapture part. There was a lot of drinking going on. I do remember it was loud and that we must have been in a hurry to pick up other raptured souls because I remember hearing a siren.

The actual experience does leave an after effect and an after taste, much like a hang over.

OK, heaven is really bright. The walls, ceiling and floor are all white. The furniture is sparse and there's a lot of stainless steel stuff. Very sterile.

The angels don't have wings or halos but they do wear white. They have a very loud PA system. I wish they would turn it down.

This place reminds me of a hospital. Wait...., let me get back to you guys a little bit later ;)

Side: Well...., it's a little like
1 point

They sent you to Heaven? That's super cool!

If you can take a peak into Hell.. Lemme know what it's like. I have all the Fair chances to end up there!

Side: Well...., it's a little like

I heard that there's a lot of hand shaking going on down there. Apparently everyone and their friends end up there ;)

Side: Well...., it's a little like
1 point

I had a blondie moment and got transported back to the Eighties, LOL

Help! I've been raptured:)
Side: Well...., it's a little like
1 point

I was raptured, but it took place about 20 years ago when Blondie released her (same titled) single "rapture"! Oh, and it felt good then...but not so much now.

Side: Well...., it's a little like
3 points

they just threw me right back and said my punishment was to remain here and continue working.

Side: Damn! Still here....

Well...., their job is to sort people out ;)

Side: Damn! Still here....
1 point

I had no hope of going !

Side: Damn! Still here....

Well..., don't give up hope yet. I hear they are going to have another round of picks ;)

Side: Damn! Still here....

I am still here I knew it was a scam. No one knows.

Side: Damn! Still here....

I slept past 6:00 PM and when I woke up and realized that I hadn't been raptured I held out hope that everyone else had ;)

Side: Damn! Still here....