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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Just as advertized. It's not that bad.
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 Just as advertized. (5)
 It's not that bad. (3)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40163) pic

Insane Christian anti-porn movie will make you SO grateful you’re a sinner.

Just as advertized.

Side Score: 5

It's not that bad.

Side Score: 3

Actually..., I didn't see it. But they can't/wouldn't lie about stuff like that..., can/would they? ;)

Side: Just as advertized.
joecavalry(40163) Clarified
1 point

I figured someone on here would watch it and report back to the rest of us ;)

Side: Just as advertized.

Pffft as if that applies to everybody .

Side: Just as advertized.
1 point

What are you talking about? Clearly after he goes into that guy's house they have gay sex and live happily ever after.

Side: Just as advertized.
1 point

Um, no. Porn is bad. It makes you want sex, and according to the Bible, sex is a sin.

Side: It's not that bad.
Warjin(1577) Disputed
1 point

WHATTT PORN IS BAD LIES lol, if anything porn helps tame the beast withing, did you know that teen pregnancy dropped about 50% sense the invention of the Internet, the reason is porn.

Side: Just as advertized.
HarryPits(301) Disputed
1 point

Except they are all doomed to an eternity in hell because lustful thoughts and sex are all sinful. The Lord created these urges to test our willpower and faith in HIM.

Side: It's not that bad.