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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Yeah, I'll have some of that No, he's an idiot
Debate Score:18
Total Votes:18
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 Yeah, I'll have some of that (8)
 No, he's an idiot (6)

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joecavalry(40131) pic

Is Olbermann an idiot or have I been drinking too much tonight?

Disclaimer:  I've been drinking Gentleman's Jack all night and I've seen a few clips from Olbermann show.  This guy makes weird interpretations, assumes he is right and acts on his assumptions.

Yeah, I'll have some of that

Side Score: 12

No, he's an idiot

Side Score: 6
5 points

Olbermann was excoriating former Republican U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo, who told attendees at a Tea Party convention that President Barack Obama was elected because of "people who could not even spell the word ’vote’ or say it in English.’"






Your link takes us to a page where the blogger comments, "So he automatically assumes that Tancredo is talking about minorities when he said that there needs to be a civics voting test?"

Tancredo, best known for his stance against illegal immigration and frequently criticized for his comments on the topic, could NEVER have been referring to minorities when he said, "or say it in English", right?

Repeat after me:"No voy a votar por esa escoria racista Tancredo"

Tancredo had said in his speech that the president had won his office because “we do not have a civics, literacy test before people can vote in this country.”

Literacy tests?

"Back in the days of the Jim Crow south, literacy tests were used to take away the right to vote from the majority of African Americans. It was a practice successfully employed to deny these rights from the late nineteenth century right on through to the 1960’s when it was mercifully ended by The Voting Rights Act of 1965, and one that continues to be one of the darkest stains on our national history." [1]

That's right. It was the Negro vote that made Obama president. Solution. Take away their votes. Simple!

Tancredo goes on to say that America’s problems are the result of the nation’s “cult of multiculturalism". OY VEY!

I tell you. Olbermann would have been an idiot not to have called Tancredo a racist.


Supporting Evidence: Tancredo reveals tea party racism (
Side: Yeah, I'll have some of that

De verdad? No vas a votar por el? Cuantos idomas hablas? Donde te criaste?

In the olden days only land owners were allowed to vote because if the uneduca.... I mean, non-landowners were allowed to vote, then they would vote themselves some benies at the expense of the landowners. But they eventually got the right to vote and look what happened ;)

BTW, I didn't mean to post a link to that video. I was just speaking in general and I cut and pasted his name because I was to lazy and too drunk to spell it correctly ;)

Side: Yeah, I'll have some of that
1 point

The subject covered in the video is a good one for debate. Was that guy being racist?

Side: Yeah, I'll have some of that
1 point

Oh and the Spanish? Google translate. I'm originally from upstate NY.

Side: Yeah, I'll have some of that

Sometimes I forget that he's just an entertainer and I have to cut him some slack ;)

Side: Yeah, I'll have some of that
lawnman(1106) Disputed
1 point

Hey, he is doing his job. We shouldn't fault a man for fulfilling the terms of his contract;)

Side: No, he's an idiot

Wait.... are you for him or against him? My tags are confusing. It's supposed to be, "No you haven't had enough to drink, he's an idiot," VS "Yeah, you've had too much to drink, can I have some of that?" Also, I basically said the same thing you're saying. He's serving his contract and entertaining people.

Hey, it was midnight. I was tired. I'm an old man with dementia, cut me some slack ;)

Side: No, he's an idiot

Olbermann may be a bit bombastic at times, and he certainly is partisan, but I've never known him to outright lie like Sean Ann O'Limbaugh. But then, I've been drinking.

Side: Yeah, I'll have some of that

And just who the bloody hell is Olbermann? Never even heard of him.

Don't forget, I'm in Canada. Never had reason to pay attention to Americans until now.

Side: No, he's an idiot

He is the left's answer to Rush. Now..., you do know Rush, right? He's always right.... way right ;)

Side: No, he's an idiot