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Debate Score:11
Total Votes:11
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 Yes (9)
 No (2)

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QuestionMan(604) pic

Is There a Solution to the Problem of Evil?

  1. God exists.
  2. God is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent.
  3. An omnibenevolent being would want to prevent all evils.
  4. An omniscient being knows every way in which evils can come into existence.
  5. An omnipotent being has the power to prevent that evil from coming into existence.
  6. A being who knows every way in which an evil can come into existence, who is able to prevent that evil from coming into existence, and who wants to do so, would prevent the existence of that evil.
  7. If there exists an omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent God, then no evil exists.
  8. Evil exists (logical contradiction).



Side Score: 9


Side Score: 2

p r a y e r

Side: Yes

Destroy Everything.

Side: Yes
1 point

Create a virus that only attacks people with genes that indicate psychopathic tendencies.

This will only leave nice guys and nice guys will no longer finish last.

Side: Yes

Yes... god isn't omnipotent, omniscient, or omnibenevolent, or at least not all three, or doesn't exist in the first place... The problem of evil in my opinion disproves and omnipotent being, or at least makes it incredibly unlikely.

Side: Yes

Evil has no existence, but serves as a concept for describing actions or effects. There truly is no such thing as good or evil. Unless you can hand me a jar of good or evil.

Side: Yes

I do agree, I feel morality is a rather conceptual thing, I can't deny that it is in the end rather subjective, neither can I deny that is matters, it does matter, and it is subjective. The philosophy of morality is a rather conflicting thing for me, however rather than say "what I think is bad" or "what I think is good" would be a pain in the ass in contrast to simply say "moral" and "immoral". However what one finds to be moral and immoral can be more substantiated and logical, then what others find moral and immoral, or what we ought or not ought to do. However I assume good and evil in this debate means what most people mean by good and evil, to maximize happiness, health, and well-being psychologically and physically of sentient life collectively, and minimize sadness, illness, and the determent of well-being psychologically and physically of sentient life collectively. I used to be a moral expressivist, but however that moral philosophy has it's complications, but I still feel it was on the right track.

Side: Yes
1 point

We could impeach him, but we should have just not reelected him.

Side: Yes
1 point

I don't believe people are born evil.

I think that better education, more tolerance and a better understanding of history and others would go a long way to reducing the 'Evil' we see in today's world.

That being said, can we eradicate evil completely? I'd have to say, not absolutely, no.

Though we must try to reduce it :)

Side: Yes
1 point

man has not the ability to banish evil .. anymore than a leopard has the ability to change his own spots . . . evil (sin) is bound in the DNA of man . . . all people born by the seed of man bares the curse of sin . . . except the only one born of a virgin .....

Side: No

I wish I knew of a solution. Evil still persists. Terrible!

Side: No